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Now, didn't love mean to protect? He could have protected her, he thought, as she lay in a pool of blood garnered in his arms. Heaven must've heard his wails, as he called her name, again, and again, kissing her cheeks, patting her back, anything to revive her pulse, which he and his best friend knew was long gone.

Gone - the moment the bullet pierced her heart causing her to collapse so softly that had the fired shot not resounded through the grey skies which he could have sworn were bright blue, no one could have anticipated that she was gone. Gone, just like that.

Ahana! He bellowed as if she could hear him.

Ahana, He whispered.

Ahana - His faint heartbeat reciting her name in a quest to bring her back to life, a desperate attempt to listen to her fluttering laughter one more time.

Blood ran through his eyes as he raised his head up from her pale face, looking for any signs of mourning from his best friend. The guards rushed to their aid, but he wouldn't let go, let go of her frail body as he kept staring at his best friend who stood at a distance.

"You know who the men were, don't you?" That was not a question. He jerked away a guard's hand as it reached for her arm, thinking that he was distracted enough to let her go from his embrace.

"You knew, you did, isn't it." His lips turned into a lopsided smile as his friend lowered his eyes, masking his compunction. His friend watched as the blood pooled the duo, making it a heartbreaking sight, but the taller man who had crouched down on the grass with his own sister's dead body refused to move until he was given the name.


"I SAID DON'T TOUCH HER!" He bawled at another of his friend's guards who wanted to reach to the girl's body curled up in his embrace.

"Tell me the name." He wiped his mouth with the back of hand not knowing that he had just painted his jaw red with her blood.

"This is a political issue Siddhanth! Let her go!" His best friend tried talking some sense into the other guy, but it failed miserably as it earned him a mirthless chuckle, so dense that it ran chills down the spines of those around, including himself.

Sidhanth rose from his knees, holding onto Ahana's body tighter, lifting her feather like weight in both of his arms.

"Where - where are you going?" Siddhanth's best friend sprinted towards him as his face recited his plans, his friend was afraid to hear out loud.

"Where do you think?" His blood stained lips stretched again, his gaze drowning the other man in the sea of fire they held.

"Siddhanth - no! Siddhanth, listen to me!" He tried taking the dead girl's body from his arms, before getting kicked in the groin by Siddanth.

"I'll be damned if I let you touch her." Siddhanth walked past the curled up guy as he marched towards the iron gates and towards his car.

"Don't worry Ahana, you are safe, safe with me." The Satan with a blood stained mouth kissed the girl's forehead as he drove off into the horizon, thirsty for some bloodshed.


Her tombstone said nothing but her laughter echoed through the sky as he knelt upon the fresh grass, caressing the roses.

"I have missed you." He said, a lone tear escaping his eyes that he brushed away immediately.

"Don't worry, you're the only girl I will ever love-" He chuckled, before breaking down into silent sobs that took no time before they turned violent and loud.

"Let her go, Siddhanth." His best friend walked from behind him, making Siddhanth eerily uncomfortable.

"Fuck off, Golu." He barked.

"Did you hear the news?" Golu crouched next to Siddhanth, the pads of his fingers brushing against the petals, restraining himself to feel his sister's essence in them.

"They found out that those men were shot dead shortly after." Golu's eyes drifted towards Siddhanth furtively -

"I don't watch the news." Siddhanth rose up, patting the fabric of his trousers before he pulled his blazer back in its place.

"Ofcourse, those who make it, don't watch it." Golu craned his neck up watching for a change in reaction from his best friend who hadn't smiled in five years.

"Today is Ahana's birthday so spare me your bullshit."

"Okay, in that case, can I interest you in some cake?"


Golu arched his brow making Siddhanth heave out a loud sigh.

"Not today-" He lend his best friend a hand, which the other one gladly obliged holding onto,

"-I have one more man to shoot right in his head."

A/N : I have updated the prologue since it makes sense to the story's end. I hope you like it :)

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