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My reasons were inexplicable. I had to choose between love and family but did my choice really matter? I had a price to pay with either of them. The deal was funny, coming from the great business tycoon of my father, whose identity was still a mirage to the family he made. I knew I knew Siddhanth would come to know about my truth one day or another, and by the time he'd realize what I did, I'd be either gone or dea-


"Oh-um-yes Akka?"

"The lamp-" I looked down at the earthen lamps I had overfilled with ghee,

"-koi baat nahi-" she said, caressing my hair as she stood over me, her other palm under her twenty-five-week pregnant belly. I smiled standing up on my feet as she walked toward the railings.

"Let's place them here-" she said as she lit a few of the lamps that I had already started aligning by the rail.

"Akka, can you come in and taste the prasad?" said Samira peeking in from the glass doors. Akka nodded as she handed me the matchbox, for she wanted to do this the traditional way, ditching the lighter.

Samira's reaction to Akka's pregnancy had been bitter-sweet. She did not seem shocked, and yet there was an element of surprise, like that of trusting the same person who did you wrong, I mean, really wrong. Samira had thus been quiet and aloof, keeping to herself and Rudra, because in her opinion, her Anna had lost his mind by not beating the shit out of that guy.

My eyes wandered up to the sky, the full moon hung in its full glory, reminding me of my Amma. The first Diwali, we were away from home because I knew that if I left for home this time, I could never be back again. The Singhania family needed me, and I? I needed them desperately - to keep amma safe. My heart thanked Arjun and Aradhna Di to give her the company she needed, but then again, how can Diwali be ever fulfilled without family?

"Do you need some help?" His voice sent shivers down my spine as I felt his hot breath on my neck. I cursed myself for having made a bun, as the proximity I shared with him made my hair stand up, sending goosebumps all over my bare skin. I shut my eyes as I felt his lips brushing against my gold chain, teasingly. The November breeze made it harder for me to stand still as he placed a warm kiss on the nape of my neck, kissing his way down.

"Akka- akka-"

"But baby-." His gruff tone ignited a sensation within my body, that begged for him to go on and never stop, as my mind argued otherwise.

"My name is Siddhanth-" His deep timber switched to a mere whisper, making me throw my head back at the intensity of his sweet torture.

"Siddhanth-" His name escaped my mouth as a moan as I felt the tip of his tongue above the frail chain, as he had now begun placing soft kisses all over the skin that was not draped with my saree or the fabric of my blouse.

"Was this intentional?" He asked huskily as his rough fingers played with the strings of my blouse that clung to each other weekly, for dear life. I turned around as I felt him pulling onto the loose end, making me push him away playfully.

"Do you have nothing to do?" I faked a scowl as he grinned. His eyes narrowed at my lips and then at the corner of them, making me furrow my brows.

"What, what's wron-" I said as he inched closer, his thumb caressing the skin above the corner of lips.

"How come I never noticed this mole?" He said as he gazed at the spot.

"Maybe because I had put on a little makeup today?" I shrugged.

His eyes kept switching between my lips and the mole he had recently become so keenly aware of. I let out a sigh as I shook my head, wanting to be let go of, but it seemed he had other plans.

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