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"Alright, Akka, one more bite and we'll then move on to your orange juice."

"Alright, Siddhanth stop getting on my nerves."

"Insult me all you want, after this bite." I pushed forward the spoon of cereal against her lips making her throw her head back in frustration.

"Get lost Siddhanth I am going to throw up!" She bellowed but I didn't care. The spoon, along with me, was still where it had been when she pulled her head back. She contorted her face as she opened her mouth, letting me feed her. She chewed on the cereal with no intention to taste it, as she gulped it down in one go.

"Here is your orange juice, my lady-" I fetched the glass from the tray on her nightstand she adjusted the pillows behind her back.

"Is there anything else you want from-" she turned to me and rested her head on my shoulder as I held the glass in my hand. My lips curled into a smile as I kept the glass back into the tray, freeing my hands to rub her hands.

"You being my strength at this point in time, is all I asked for."

Akka had been on a roller coaster of emotions and all of us who shared her house had to welcome everything she threw at us, even Rudra complied with the tantrums she threw at him, at the most random of times. Like the other day, she yelled at him for being so tall that she needed his help to get herself a cookie from the topmost shelf, and the next morning, we found her sobbing behind the refrigerator as she complained of being too short, that she couldn't reach for shit placed at the top of her fridge, in her own household. On asking her as to why would she place commonly needed stuff on shelves and places that were hard to reach she told me to fuck off. So yeah, here I was, oblivious of the kind of reaction expected of me.

"Akka, I am here for you, always. This doesn't have to be a surprise."

"Yeah but that man breathing the air of the same city that you live in is still a shock."

I heaved out a loud sigh, to keep myself calm at the thought of that bastard. Akka, honestly? If I could, that man wouldn't have the balls to breathe the same air as you are - but I am helpless, ain't I?



"You love Suhaana right?"

My brows raised involuntarily at the direction I did not expect this conversation to head to. She raised her head slightly enough, that her eyes could throw a glare at me when I hadn't presented her with an answer as soon as she had liked.

"Yes- yes, of course," I said smiling nervously as she stared at me.

"Then why won't you marry her?"

I choked on the air in my throat as I coughed like I would die if I didn't stop. She eyed me with a judgemental look on her face, shaking her head completely appalled at my reaction.

"You men are disgusting. Such a dramatic response when it is about giving her a lifetime of commitment-"

"Wait Akka-" I said, chugging her orange juice as I caught hold of my own breath.

"Let's not knit stories out of the air, shall we?"

"Then what was all of this about?" She pulled back from me, making sure no part of hers touched me. I shifted against the headboard as I sighed.

Now what should I tell her?

"The truth, please. I would like some truth."

My eyes popped up at the accuracy with which she read my mind. I turned to her and this time, she did not pull back. Maybe, from my dropped face, she realized I had something important to say.

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