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Siddhanth tossed the photographs on his "not anymore" future brother-in-law's bruised face, making him flinch. The latter's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, as he realized what the photographs had held in them - a secret he was too careless with.

"Sidh-Siddhanth-I-let me explain-"

"A wife and a five-year-old son." Siddhanth hovered over the mahogany desk, his arms outstretched to either of its sides.

"She-she-she is a cousin-a divorced cousin I swear-"

Siddhanth closed his eyes shut and drew in a deep breath before he stood straight and opened one of his drawers that he usually kept locked while still looking into the man's eyes, boring a burning hole into him. He fished a few more photographs along with a document and hurled it at the man's disgrace of a face.

"These pictures-" He held one of them out - depicting the man filling his wife's hair partition with vermillion, "-and your son's birth certificate say otherwise."

The man fidgeted as sweat protruded from his creased forehead and the back of his neck. He fetched a handkerchief from the pocket of his blazer as he patted his skin to not look like the evident lying pig that he was.

"I don't love her- I love Soumya-"

Siddhanth's magnificent and strong frame hovered over the table pouncing at the man as his hands made way to his collar, springing it up, almost pulling him out of his chair.

"Say my sister's name out of that filthy mouth once again and I will make sure, that tongue is rendered useless for the rest of your pathetic life."

He let go of his collar as he retracted his place, sitting down in his leather chair.

"50 million dollars." Uttered Siddhanth.

"And I want you out of my sister's life, do we understand?"

A spec of glitter shone in the man's eyes, as he nodded listening to the handsome offer made by Siddhanth, but he was reluctant to go against his own brother's plan that had been carefully plotted to destroy the Singhanias.

"The only reason why I'll let you live is that I sympathize with the woman you tricked into marriage and the innocent child who is at no fault of his own for being the son of a spineless bastard."

The man's eyes that had been glistening with greed, suddenly averted from Siddhanth as he looked down.

"How many women did you fool, Mr. Harsh Thirupathi?" Siddhanth rose from his chair as he walked around his colossal desk, sending shivers down the man's spine as he realized his approaching steps.

"I know how weak your knees are for the money, but really, are you guys really willing to stoop so low for the green stuff?" Siddhanth pressed his hands against the man's shoulders, making him pray for his throat to not get strangled the next moment.

"Oh, how I wish to claw that throat out" Siddhanth lowered his face against the man's ear, sending jolts down his spine as he sweated profusely.

"-Think of playing my sister one more time, I might, act on my sinful fantasies."

The sound of the glass being shattered into a thousand one shards was the only emotion my heart resonated with - literally. I pulled down the white lace curtains and pulled apart the cushions into cloud-like shreds. The penthouse now looked like a walking tornado had been here and had a cup of tea with me, but wasn't my life looking quite like a walking tornado in itself? I wanted to scream my lungs out and I want to blame everyone that walked my way but it wouldn't solve any of what I was now coming to terms with, the misery to accept that I may or may not have been kissed with treason that too on the mouth by the one I couldn't have imagined - not in a thousand years.

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