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This one is for my beautiful readers. I wanted to post this chapter a little later, but after reading your comments, I decided otherwise. Just want to thank each and every one of you, for the love.

- Shrivanika


I hadn't slept all night and I finally gave up trying as I heard my phone chime. It was 5 in the morning and my phone glowed in the dark, notifying me about Akka's message.

"You get what you think about. So make sure you think positive thoughts today.

-Love, Akka."

I smiled at the quote. I felt a rush inside my chest, you know that feeling? Where your intuition told you that something really good was about to happen soon? I felt a warm feeling inside my chest like my heart could burst through it and fly away. I wanted to get ready as soon I could and reach the office. I felt my gleaming face could light up this dark room, way better than my phone. Well, that would be a paranormal sight to anyone watching but who cared, for this day is going to mine!

I chuckled and patted my back for my insane sense of humor.

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I got out of the shower and got ready in a grey checkered suit. I checked myself out in the mirror, "Oooh, who's that?" I literally sung that out loud, because boy, did I look good?

I checked my phone and frowned.

"7:00 am? Bass? I made sure I took a long ass shower just to see what? It is still two hours for me to be at the office? Ugh, never mind. I am leaving."

I grabbed the car keys and locked the door behind me.

"SubahDev Cooperations" I smiled. Within 20 minutes, I had reached the monumental building.

"Amma Baba's dream..." My heart felt pride at the stupendous view in front of me.

"I have got to make them proud..." I thought to myself.

I didn't hesitate to ask security to let me in, while they sure did. It was 7:30 am and not a single soul was in sight near the office building, except the security. But I couldn't sit still, not for one moment and I had to get going.

The corridors lit up with sunlight and the freshness made my heart sing. The elevators took me to the third floor, where Baba's office was. I slowly opened the door of his colossal cabin. I could smell the fresh earthy scent in the room as it was clear that it had been renovated. I had been closely taking in the gorgeous details as my attention was directed towards the wooden plaque, placed neatly on the mahogany desk.

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