Chapter 71: [ Home is calling]

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It was a sad farewell, however we must move on. Since this won't be the final farewell, I shouldn't shed my tear and show my sadness.

I grabbed Bellamira's sleeve (Artemis) and tried my hardest to keep a strong look on my face. If I'm going to return home, then at least I should have a strong yet excited look on my face since I'll be meeting my parents soon.

The mysterious behind my reincarnation doesn't even surprise or budge me even a little bit. Somehow, I lack emphatic thoughts on it. One thing I'm happy about this reincarnation is that I was able to meet my parents, my nannies and my friends again.

Well, the adventure of Adelliana Ivan Valentine doesn't stop here. I still have a very bright future ahead. There won't be plot of the novel to ruin or interrupt my long term of slice-of-life every day life.

My left and right hand is held up and placed in the hands of Delaphina and Seraphina. They gave me a smile which is so warm and even I could feel my heart moves a little.

"Our little novel reincarnation adventures won't be stop here! Let's look forward to become the idiotic trio!!"

Delaphina grinned and laugh it off.

"Yeah, let's work hard to become the idiotic trio of the Beresford empire!!!" Seraphina unusually said loudly. It was super unusual but I'm not complaining.

"Mhmm!!!! We must become the well-known idiotic trio again! We even reincarnated into another world so that's mean idiotic trio is well and alive!!"

I nodded in an agreement and together, we all laughed. Bellamira watched the heartwarming scene from the side as she cast the portal open.

"Are you guys ready to meet your parents again?!"

"Hell yeah!!!"

And so together, us four left the void dimension and return to Beresford empire.

Home is calling!


The sounds of fanfare rung up the whole empire. The parade of people dressed in white uniforms march forward with no hint of imperfection, they're no different from how the military walks.

colorful confetti were thrown up into the air as they fall down like rain. Everyone were so exhilarated meanwhile those who have to clean can only frown, upset with the fact they have to clean those confetti later.

Ares, dressed neatly in a formal white military suit. His left hand held Aphrodite's right as he gently escort her off a carriage. Today, Aphrodite's dress was even more formal and tranquil than any other days.

Platinum blonde hair was tied in a bun with eastern hair accessories pinned in her hair. She wore a long sleeve white dress with transparent white fabric cover from her collar to neck. Cream color ribbon hang around her waist as they slide down to side by side. She didn't wear a heel today. Just simply a pair of cream color shoes.

The elegant and mature aura surrounding them attracted the noble who were also attending the ceremony. They're whispering like fish sellers inside. a busty market on why would the Valentines attend the holy ceremony?

Ares escort her to a seat beside Rhea and her husband, Cronus. The queen and the emperor and the rest of their children dressed in white and gold soon arrived. Like any other aristocrats inside the huge hall, Ares and Aphrodite also stood up and sit down until the emperor raise his hand.

Helios sat on his throne with Perseis beside him. The mysterious Cheshire smirk always worn on his face. Soon, another fanfare sound rung, signalling the head priest is coming.

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