Chapter 18 [ Elina (2) ]

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The troubled face of the fairy makes me feel uneasy. Yooo, if you indeed have something to say then say it! Don't leave me feeling like worm will swallow me (」゚ロ゚)」.

"What do you mean by weird mana?"

I asked her and grip the hem of my skirt tightly. The same suffocating feeling that I used to have whenever something bad happened on me.

The fairy queen looked down on me and lift my chin up. Okay, put that mana thing matters aside first, why are y'all so obsessed with lifting my chin up?

The fairy queen looked straight into my eyes. My heart beats so fast that it could even challenge a cheetah. It was so nerve-wrecking.

"I expected nothing from a child born from divine energy and dark sorcery, but your magic will only soon ended up hurting someone else. I'll temporary block where the mana flows."

The fairy queen taps her finger on my forehead. For a moment, I suddenly felt like my body was getting lighter as if there was nothing.

"Elina...what do you mean by dark sorcery...?" August had a really worried looks on his face. Oh no, don't tell me that this guy is thinking something bad about dark sorcery??!

She's my mother...Aphrodite the dark sorcery...hehe.

"Don't worry too much, your highness. She'll be alright, for now."

Yaaah! What do you mean by for now?!! If you're going to fix me, then do it properly and gave me a proper guaranteed insurance.

"Please leave the garden, if someone knows you brought an outsider to the fairy garden, you'll be in big trouble."

"Got it, let's go!"

Augustine grabbed my hand and run to the exit. I look back and see the fairy queen who turned her back away. So her name was Elina...

Augustine and I returned back to the garden where we met without getting caught. We panted and rest under the tree shade.

Still, the events from earlier haven't left my mind yet. What did she mean? Just what is wrong with me? Well, come to think about it, I have accepted the fact that I have become Adelliana Ivan Valentine fully now.

I have almost forgot about my past identity.


I hate this...

I wrapped my arms around my knees and stared at the horizon. The floating clouds and the different shade of blue of the sky made me realized how beautiful it was.

Even if the faith in this world is dying, the sky is still proudly shows many different colours of hope.

Why am I talking like I came from a world filled despair and freaking pandemic straight out of a movie?

"Hey, are you still bothered by what Elina said earlier? If so, don't worry about it! If something happens on you, I'm sure she'll fix everything in one piece!"

With the encouragement I received from Augustine, a smile creep onto my face.


We sat like this without any communication for almost 10 minutes until Augustine suddenly got up and shout loudly.

"Holy crap, I forgot about today lesson! Damn damn, that annoying teacher will nag again! Anyway, see you someday!"

Augustine ran away but he turned back 360° back to me. He kneel down with one knee and grab my hand. Augustine kisses on it and it shook me greatly.


"Since you have known my real identity, I shall at least properly gave an introduction."

"Wha...?" Da hell is happening?

"I apologise for my late introduction, my name is prince Augustine Eero Peregrine."

Augustine gave me one last wink and get away.

I was left alone in the garden and I got to say...





The hell just happen? What is wrong with him?

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