Chapter 47 [ The disastrous average day ]

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"How many times must I tell you about this?! Absolutely no usage of magic!"
Standing in front of me was a beautiful woman in her mid 20s.

Her dark purple hair was short-length but it added a charm to her, making her attractive. Her eye-catching raven eyes
also emit a mysterious aura.

This woman was Lilac Lunar, a 27-year-old magician who lives in the magic tower as one of my father's underlings.

She was dressed in tight black pants, a black shirt with two brown belts tying around her waist and pants, a purple cloak with a purple brooch pinned in the center on the front, covering her shoulders and back.

"Hey hey, don't be so strict on her. Kids need to play around, especially a quiet kid like Sera. Hm, how about we go and catch wild animals in the jungle instead of listening to this old hag?!"

On my left side, was a young man sitting on the couch. Geoffrey Liberty, a 29-year-old magician who is also under my father.

Despite reaching 30 soon, Geoffrey still had his youthful and handsome looks thanks to his magic.

Geoffrey wore a brown tight shirt, showing off his muscles through it, and wore white capri pants with black knee-high boots and a white cloak with an identical purple brooch pinned in
the center on the front.

Both of them are my father's trusted subordinates or you can call them my babysitters in short, don't need to waste your breath and time by calling them the magicians of abyss or something.

I paid no mind to them, and continued to use magic to control the intricate dolls by turning my mana into invisible strings and attach the strings onto the dolls and make them move creepily.

It was nothing but to learn new tricks to prank my timid mother and really old magicians who reside on this tower.

Unknowingly, my mouth curls up in its own accord and forms a disturbing smirk, earning a worried look from my two babysitters.

I've been scolded by others including my mother about my behaviour of scaring people. I can't help it though, there aren't any electronic devices or gadgets to keep me entertained.

Magic was the only source to destroy my everyday boredom. Yesterday, my day was made thanks to the flying cakes. And today, I shall name my today prank "Annabelle, isekai version."

Hehe, time to have fun!~

"Stop right there, young lady. Are you going around the tower to scare off the mistress and those poor gramps again?"

My shoulder was gripped tightly, not enough to feel pain, but discomfort. And just as I was about to get up and make my way to the door...

Geoffrey sighed and returned to his sleep. Lilac doesn't look really happy with what I was going to do. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and went back to sit on the couch beside Geoffrey.

Lilac grabs a book from the tall shelf and goes off to read it somewhere else inside the room.

I rested my chin on my palms as I listened to Geoffrey's low breathing, the sound of clock ticking and the sound of Lilac turning the page.

My eyes accidentally went over to sleeping Geoffrey who was grinning in peace.

After staring at his peaceful sleeping face for a good 2 minutes, I showed another disturbing smirk.

Flicking my finger to use my magic on the dolls, I raised them up using the invisible string which was produced by my magic and appeared from my fingers, as I started to move the dolls slowly.

Pulling them towards the couch, I made them crawl up and to grab Geoffrey's hands so that he won't be able to move.

Lastly, I chose the ugliest and scariest looking doll among them and made it slowly hover in the air right in front of Geoffrey's face.

It was a childish prank but as long as I could make Geoffrey scream, anything would do just fine. I made the doll use its hands to rub on his face as Geoffrey began to move and murmur some words.

"Uh..Rista… Isla… Hehe… Why... are your hands so ha- UWAHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

My plan works without any interruption. Geoffrey lets out a high pitched scream and screeches like he just encountered Satan.

Lilac drops her book upon hearing Geoffrey scream and runs to us.

"Hey, what's wrong?!" Lilac asks, a tone of worry in her voice and a genuinely concerned look, not because of what happened to Geoffrey but why the hell did Geoffrey scream so weirdly like this.

"Geoffrey was having a nice dream of seeing those elves and half succubus hostesses."

I said nonchalantly and whistled as if what I said was completely normal.The third rule of the magic tower; no fooling around women, especially magical

Lilac, who was a serious uptight person who respected and obeyed the laws, was not happy to hear this again for the fourth time.

She grabbed Geoffrey by his ear and dragged him off the sofa. I waved my hand at him as he was trying to ask for my help.

I killed two birds with one stone. My first plan is to make Geoffrey scream and my second one is to remove the both of them from within my presence.

Hahahaha, choosing both of them to make sure I won't cause any trouble is a big mistake.

Happily skipping out of the room, I quickly went to find my mother.

"Try mixing the Tear of dust and the Dragon blood, you will get the light crystal that you saw everywhere on the street, around the tower, houses and mansion."

Like always, my mother was busy with teaching the children of this tower. I pouted, not really happy with the praise and compliments she gave them.

I get that some of them are orphans but my selfishness didn't make me think appropriately. I could have gone into there and cling on my mom but again, I want to play inside my dad's laboratory.

Uhehehehe, laboratory and magic options, here I come!~

I silently went past the two guards and sneak into my room using the key I stole from him.

Today, my father was off to investigate the black market which was secretly open in Beresford.

He won't be home for another 6 hours so I'll play inside this room for just a teeny few hours then I shall go off to sleep.
I locked the door and Voilà! Inside revealed the magic!

I used to come here several times with my mom to pick up some stuff.

Of course, my mom also taught me what to touch and what not to touch if I do an errand for her.

But now, I used that knowledge for my own joy and fun.

The other days ago, I discovered a guide to make magic bombs. As a reincarnator, I knew well more than anyone else that surprise attacks will likely happen anytime and anywhere.

Especially since I'm the daughter of the lord and mistress of the tower, I should carry something to keep me safe if I run out of mana.

I brought out a bag out of nowhere by flicking my finger and rip the bag open then pour the brown dust into a bowl. The guide said that I should mix salt, diamond dust, some acid and
explosive potion.

Mix them with a spoon and bomb!


A loud explosive sound came from the laboratory shook the whole tower. The two guards who were busy playing poker jump and run with their hearts almost dropped.

Lilac and Geoffrey immediately teleport to the room with Rhea teleporting from behind.

They all arrived at the scene. Lilac stood in front of Rhea to make sure if there is something dangerous, Rhea will be safe.

They wait for the smoke to die to only witness Seraphina sitting on a tall stool, holding a small round pearl which was enough to fit in a pocket with ten more of them.

Her neat hair was blown up with her hair ornaments scattered onto the ground. Her face was blackened as a result of sitting in front of the explosion.

She turns to her mother and babysitters and lets out a satisfied smile.

"I have created a small bomb but it seems it is quite deadly. I was unaware that Daddy cast a spell barrier on me, I wonder when he did it… Oh well, that doesn't matter since I'm still alive thanks to that."

She shows them the pearl, and in the next hour, Seraphina was cleaned and adorned in new clothes and now sitting with the children and was forced to listen to her mother's lesson which she already learned once.

Location: Black Market

"Report to the emperor. We have found where the cockroaches are having fun."

Cronus simply gave his subordinate a command and walked down to the auction calmly alone.

"My lord, going alone will be too risky!"
Cronus stopped midway and turned his head slightly, giving a look to his subordinate.

"Going in with many people will only annoy me. I can deal with this alone without any trouble."

(K: Cold dude being usual cold dude like the novel/manhwa/manhua)

With that said, 30 seconds later, the people who were inside the auction, started to scream and run away. Up towards the stairs Cronus descended.

But all of them couldn't run anymore as there was a clear barrier blocking them.

"Arrest them."

Out of nowhere, Cronus appears beside his man and walks away.

17 minutes later, the palace troops were here.

One of the knights politely and respectfully bow down to Cronus. He didn't say anything but the knights seemed to understand him and began to arrest the citizens one by one.

As for Cronus, he simply teleports back home as soon as the matter was settled.

Then began the legend of Cronus fainted upon witnessing the sight of Lilac and Geoffrey cleaned up his laboratory when he got home.

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