Chapter 62: [ Slowly as they fade ]

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Despite the creepy and unfamiliar tension and atmosphere of the forest, the four of us slept well like a rock. This is what we call invincible power of sleeping.

Noble or not, as long as I'm sleepy, anywhere is fine unless it's smelly.

I was the second one to wake up after Childe. After waken up to not be greeted by Child's sleeping face, I got up lazily to find her unless she has plan to escape.

If she does, I'm gonna bonk her. And if someone kidnapped her, I'm gonna bonk the kidnapper cause why not? I'm seeking death, duh- Just kidding, I haven't even experienced socialising with other human yet and my parents are waiting for me.

I held a long wooden stick (new one) and begin to quietly sing.

"Shinju wa~ hitori de wa deki nai"
"Futari na ~ dekiru~~"

Cultured people probably can recognise this song by just seeing or hearing the Shinju. This song has been deeply engraved into my head like a recorder already.


I paused my movement upon hearing sound of water splashing. With just some thinking and calculation, I can already guess who is in the water.

"Oi, Childe! I thought bathing inside the River of Forgotten will only make the memories' of ones who know you forget you even faster-!!?"

I came out from the bush to be greeted with a fair skin long hair lady with a flat chest like cutting board and the most shocking thing...SHE HAS PP HANGING OUT THERE HANDSOMELY LIKE A KEYCHAIN!!

I dropped my wooden stick and stood like completely petrified by the image. Childe, noticing my presence screamed like a dying rooster, waking up mother nature.

Around minute later, both Delaphina and Seraphina ran super fast as if their is a titan chasing after them. Both of their faces are pale and sweat hard.

"What's wrong?!!"

"Bro, we heard a pretty feminine male scream!!"

Delaphina and Seraphina immediately seek answers. Both Childe and I could only held our heads down traumatised by what happened.

Childe wants to end his life because his secret is now leaked.

Adelliana wants to end her life alone this time because the author who wrote the dramatic fantasy romance novel is a Trap with a small PP.

"When the 2D thing you dreamed and love became real but you realise they became reality and reality never fail to disappoint you " -Adelliana Ivan Valentine, the wise degenerated of NH website.


Beresford empire: Valentine Duchy

Standing before the door of Adelliana's room, Aphrodite with a worried look on her beautiful face was showed quite obviously.

She knocks on the door gently and asked Adelliana's condition.

"Adele, are you alright? Are you up now?"

She kept questioning and knocking and even try to open the door but it was locked many times. But all she received was silence as if nobody is inside the room.

Jamaica, the head maid dressed in her usual head maid attire saw her mistress in front of a door, and kept knocking.

"Your grace, what brings you to this quarter of the mansion?"

Seeing Jamaica, Aphrodite's spirit was lifted a little bit. She showed a relieved smile and run towards Jamaica in a slow pace.

"Thanks god you're here, Jamaica! Adele won't just respond to me! What if something happen to her-??!"

"Adele? M'lady, I apologise for my rudeness but since when did we ever have someone by the name Adele inside the castle? If I do happen to forget, please punish me."

"What do you mea-...mean...?"

Aphrodite paused for a second then continued.

"Right...who goes by the name Adele...?"

Beside, why was she even coming to this quarter? This part of the mansion has always been left untouched yet everything around here is so clean as if there is a master residing in this quarter.

"Never mind, my memories must have been too hazy. I don't feel well these days, clean this quarter everyday. I'm going to rest now."

"May I ask why?"

"Do I even need to tell you why?"

"My apologies! I shall command the maids to clean here this instant!" one lives here yet she told them to clean. A hazy memories of a small girl and her laughing began to fade again.

"Who are you, little girl?"

She can't see her face but she knows that the little girl was smiling and laughing at her with daisies inside her hands.

Like a smoke began to subside, her memories of a certain someone and certain events were slowly began to fade like smoke.


Ooohhhh, are you prepared for some angst 😄😄?

So anyway, as shameless as I am, please allow me to take a break next week. Online classes are taking toll on me greatly ._.

I need some recovery...

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