Chapter 5 [ The Villainess ]

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Ever since that day, I feel even more motivated to continue and live on. Though, I still can't get over something that lady said once.

What does she mean by devil's child? I mean, from my opinion, I think she's a follower of god or whatever but Aphrodite is a devil?

My dude, do you know something call Greek Mythology? Oh wait, you don't because I am a reincarnator.

Aphrodite may be evil and poisonous, but to go as far as calling her a devil? What made her say that? I mean I'm totally fine with you calling her a bitch because she's actually deserve it but why a devil?

I have tried and look for what happened inside the novel but I only remember that Aphrodite is the dark sorcerer. Dark sorcery is not a rare magic but not the rarest.

Dark sorcery can manipulate your mind, and summon a demon. To be exact, it's a kind of magic that every villain had in exchange for their souls except dark sorcery is a type of magic that was with you since you were born.

Aphrodite's dark sorcery was kept as a secret to the empire. Because her image on the outside was pure and innocent, her parents couldn't let those dark sorcery rumour ruin their daughter.

Instead of getting upset and sad over this, I was even more thrilled. I mother is Aphrodite, she got dark that's mean the magic is ran down in my blood.

Haha, I bet that lady is watching me with a confused face. To be able to use dark magic than having a normal boring life, isn't that awesome?

Hmph!! Just wait till I grow up and become the best dark sorcerer ever!!

"Young lady, are you awake now? You seem to woke up more early than everyone else, including me. Good morning, Lady Adelliana!" Margaret opens the curtain and let the sunshine creep into the room.

I only smiled in a response. I have practiced smiling for many days, Margaret was the first one to see it. Hehe, if I use this kawaii smiling technique on Aphrodite, she will be thrilled.

Huhu, mother~~ be prepared for a cuteness wholesome war!!

Thanks to Margaret, I was ready even faster than usual since Margaret stuck with her morning schedule, there would be some maids worked in her stead.

Seriously, it took 30 minutes for one to dress me up. I know I'm lucky to have someone dressed me up but dude...I was an orphan, I did everything by myself and to have someone just to dresses me up for half an hour is frustrating!!!!

I'm not a calm person so I cried out as loud as I can. Margaret, as always came faster than I thought.

The maid who dressed me up for half an hour was punished. That day, if I didn't cry, I may have died from starvation or frustration.

"Lady Adelliana, look at you! Just how adorable are you!! Even if the Archduke and the Duchess doesn't have a good relationship, at least they blessed me with a cute young lady!"

Margaret put me down on a chair which  was in front of a tall mirror. Indeed, anyone would called me cute if they saw me.

I had Aphrodite's platinum hair and Ares' red eyes. Wait, this isn't red! This is pink!! Yoooo!!! What the actual fuck?!

Why do I have pink eyes instead of amazing awesome red eyes like Ares??!!

Yoooo!!! What the hell???

Urgh, whatever! At least I'm cute, hehe 😇😇. I'm so blessed to have Ares and Aphrodite's appearance.

The couple is illegal but at least they good at making a child cute just like Margaret said.

Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly out of nowhere. I fist my baby hands and bite my lip with embarrassment. I know I know!! I know I'm a baby but I still can't help it yo!!

"Looks like Lady is hungry ~ I have prepared you your milk. After breakfast, would you like to see the duchess? She's been busy all these days so she has hard time to play with you."

Ahh, I heard that Ares will be coming home soon. Ooh, isn't this the scene when Ares threw a head of the enemy's king to Aphrodite?!!

Hoho, because she's annoyed him, Ares threw the head as a warning for her. The most famous line from the novel was.

"If you dare and do something stupid again, I might as well throw that head of your to the servants working here."

Hoho, the scene was so satisfying for a reader but now that I have existed here, I don't think I can cheer for that scene anymore =×=)....

Margaret feed me milk and I drank it like a lost man in the middle of Sahara desert. I mean..I'm hungry hehe.

After mealtime, Margaret did as she promised and take me to where the duchess is.

Margaret held me in her arms and carefully walked down on the stairs. I was greeted with a crowd of maids and servants running around like mad people.

They furiously cleaned the windows, floor and chandelier. If the Archduke returned home and was greeted with dirt, he might go berserk. Clean freak bastard male lead =_=.

There, I saw the duchess's commanding people and have a serious look on her face.

No matter how badly the male lead treated the Villainess, she still had a feeling for him...

Dumb Aphrodite...why would you do that when you will die anyway...? Why please him when he doesn't care whether you live or die?

Thinking about the relationship between Aphrodite and Ares made my blood boil hotter than the oil in hell.

Not even Satan can stand this unreasonable anger of mine.

Margaret walked closer to where Aphrodite is but we didn't communicate or call her. We just stood there like an idiot and watch Aphrodite does her works.

Aphrodite suddenly turned to our direction and her serious innocent Villainess's face turned into an actual pure happiness face.


Aphrodite, with an imaginary flowers and rainbow background behind her, skipped to Margaret and I with sparkling eyes.

For a moment, I noticed that the hold house was in silence and their movements were pause just like a DVD when you paused it.

Their eyes all went to Aphrodite's happy going face as she kept giving me smooches.

"Did you miss me?" Aphrodite took me away from Margaret's hands and held me up high.

I ignored the awkward atmosphere and smiled at her as best as possible.

Aphrodite's smile stopped and now she just stared at me.


"Oh my goodness!!!! Since when did Adele learn how to smile?!!! Is this your first time?!!! Margaret, see!!! Adele is smiling for the first time!!"

Meanwhile, Margaret could only nodded her head in guilt while the whole house was still in their thoughts.

[Did someone else possessed that evil duchess...? What's happening...?]

But they still think Adelliana's smile was very cute.

In that moment, Adelliana has already captured the heart of many people, even the strict butler and scary head maid.

Adelliana subconsciously gained 97% of allies.

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