Chapter 1

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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of the morning sunlight caress my face. The sound of my mom's enthusiastic knocks echoed through my room, signaling the start of another day. "Y/N, wake up, breakfast is ready," she called out. I couldn't help but smile at her energy.

With a yawn, I replied, "Coming, MOM!" My voice still filled with sleepiness, I got out of bed and stretched my arms. As I stood up, I felt a sense of familiarity in my daily routines, the comforting rhythm of each morning.

Heading to the bathroom, I freshened up, brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face, fully waking myself up. Then, I went to my dresser and picked out a casual outfit for the day ahead.

outfit I wore today

After getting ready, I walked downstairs for my breakfast and saw my elder brother, Kim Taehyung, eating his food peacefully

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After getting ready, I walked downstairs for my breakfast and saw my elder brother, Kim Taehyung, eating his food peacefully...or at least, that's what he thought.

Y/N: YAH!!! THAT'S MY CHOPSTICKS!!!!! (I shouted)

Tae: (grinning mischievously) Oh, really? Not anymore!
Y/N: Do- (as mom cut my words)

om: Again fighting! Can't you both have a peaceful morning once? What will you both do after I leave...
Y/N: Leave? What do you mean, mom? (asked in confusion)

Mom hesitated for a moment before speaking softly, "I'm sorry, my loves, but I have to go back to the village for a few weeks. Your grandmother's health has taken a turn for the worse, and I need to be by her side."

My heart sank as I heard the news. The weight of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders, and my eyes welled up with tears. Tae's face mirrored the concern and sadness I felt, and he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, Mom, I'm so sorry to hear that," Tae said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

I wiped away a tear, trying to compose myself. "Yeah, Mom, family comes first. You should be with Grandma. We'll manage things here, don't worry about us," I said, trying to sound strong for her sake.

Mom's eyes softened with gratitude and love. "Thank you, my darlings. I hate leaving you both, but I need to be there for Grandma."

At college, I walk towards my class, lost in my thoughts, when suddenly someone surprises me with a backhug. I turn around to see my friend Lisa, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Lisa: Y/N, I missed you so much! It feels like forever since we last saw each other. (she pouted playfully)

Y/N: (laughing) Lisa, you're such a drama queen! We hung out just a few days ago.

Lisa: Oh, really? Well, you know how time flies when we're not together. (she said with an exaggerated sigh)

Y/N: (smirking) Yes, I'm well aware of your time-distortion superpowers!

THE NIGHTMARE (J.JK FF) [Horror] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now