Chapter 7 (FLASHBACK)

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Suddenly a shadow appear in front of you both as namjoon held your waist and pull you behind him and asked you to run inside..

Y/N: no.. I won't leave you here alone..

Namjoon: I said go... GO!!

As you slow turn towards the door and run inside...

Namjoon: Who are you?

Shadow: Hyung.... Don't you remember me(cold voice)

Namjoon: W-who? (In mind: why that voice feels like I heard somewhere)

Shadow: (he start turning into a human face as he was a shadow) it's me... Jungkook!

Namjoon: Jungkook? How? That ghost was you? And how can you be here?? You are dead??

Jungkook: Hyung... Don't come in my way.... I am just taking my revenge and don't make Y/N go against me... Or I'll kill everyone....

Namjoon: Y/N?? Why are you behind her..

Jungkook: I'll kill her father... She is innocent...

Namjoon: You are just using her??

As Jungkook went quite and looked at namjoon with no emotions...

Namjoon: Don't say you like her...

Jungkook: Her father killed me.. because of her..(looked down..) I never imagined that... The girl I like will be the reason of my family's death...

Namjoon: what?? How??


Jk pov

I was walking inside a cafe to meet my client Mr.Kim but suddenly my gaze went on a girl who was laughing with her friends while drinking coffee.... I was froze at my place and was looking at her... It feels like she was melting my heart...

I even forget that I am watching her from so long... Suddenly someone come me and make me look at him and it was Mr. Kim..

Jungkook: Hello Mr. Kim.. (bowed by 90°)

Mr. Kim: we can have a talk now.. I hope you didn't wait much Mr. Jeon..

Jungkook: Yes Mr. Kim.. have a seat..(as he sit on chair after Mr. Kim)

And they start talking about the business and showed each other the documents....

After 30 Minutes of discuss....

Jungkook: Mr. Kim.... I am not going against you but... This agreement seems not to be okay...

Mr. Kim: what do you mean Mr. Jeon

Jungkook: it's that... The place you choose to make the factory at already have people leaving there...

Mr. Kim: So what.. I didn't get it... What's the problem with that...

Jungkook: the problem is that... The soil.. the soil of the place... If we build anything there then... Don't know when it will fall down and anytime... 1000+ works and the machines... It don't have any profit.. and other the other side... The people who is living there... They are not as Rich as you thought... They are middle class people... Some are really poor...

Mr. Kim: we are here to talk about business not about who is Rich or poor... And the soil... It can contain so much of the weight...

Jungkook: Mr. Kim... I don't wanna have this agreement...

Mr. Kim: Do you Even know what you are saying?? I Don't care if that s****y people die (As he smash his hands on the table...)

Jungkook: (suddenly Jungkook give him a recorder) that was enough for me...

THE NIGHTMARE (J.JK FF) [Horror] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now