Chapter 5

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Y/N: who can it be?

You went to door and open reveling a tall boy wearing dark blue clothes holding a bag in his hand and he was filled with handsomeness

Y/N: w-who are you?

???: I am Kim Namjoon.. a paranormal investigator...

Y/N: Jimin sent you???

RM: who is Jimin?? My big brother.. Kim Seokjin sent me here..


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Name: Kim Namjoon (RM)
Family: Parents and big brother (Kim Seokjin)
Work: paranormal investigator
Relationship status: Single

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Suddenly rain start falling as one more boy enter the house...

???: Ahh.. this rain...(cleaning himself)

Y/N: (to Namjoon) is he with you??

Kim Namjoon: no...

???: Oh.. sorry.. let me introduce myself... I am Jung Hoseok... Jimin asked me to help you...


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Name: Jung Hoseok
Work: Paranormal investigator
Family: no details...

Y/N: oh please come in.. (as you took them inside)

 (as you took them inside)

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THE NIGHTMARE (J.JK FF) [Horror] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now