Chapter 4

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Kim Seokjin: Ouija board huh??.. seems like it's a serial killer... What do you think Mr. Min?

Min Yoongi: I-

Y/N: sir, it's just a game... Nothing more..... So can I have the board?

Min Yoongi: it's just a game?? But I won't give you this evidence...

Time skip

To night

Y/N: how to stop this?? Who can be YOU? So many questions but no answer..

Your phone start ringing and it was taehyung on the call...


Y/N: hello?
Tae: Y/N... aaaaa I am in trouble... Help me
Y/N: hello... Oppa... Where are you??
Tae: in my room... Help me!! (Call got cut)
Y/N: hello? Hello??

You get up from bed and run towards taehyung's room

Y/N: what should I do? Why this is happening with us.. uuuuhhhhh

You reached his room as wide open the door but you stopped as you saw a boy sitting on the bed his back facing you and he was wearing huddie

Y/N: o-oppa?

Suddenly you heard that boy doing whistle...

Y/N: (in mind: could he be.... ZoZo??)

Rose POV

At Lisa's house

Lisa: I am scared... I don't wanna die...

Rose: Lisa.. don't worry... I am here right?

Lisa: thanks Rose...

Rose: I am kinda trusty... I'll right back okay?

Lisa: please come back early...

Rose: okay

With that she went to kitchen... And grab the glass of water... And as she turn back and her glass fall from her hand..  as someone was standing in from of her... She start breathing heavily cuz of begin scared

???: Play with me

Rose: w-w-who are you??

???: You'll find out soon(with that he disappeared)

Rose run towards Lisa's room but Lisa wasn't present in the room... Suddenly the door got closed as the room got locked...

Rose: please don't... Where is Lisa??

A creepy laugh again cover the room
As something heavy fall on Rose.... And it was Lisa

Rose: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...

She stand up and went to door but door wasn't opening... It was locked.. she tried to open but wasn't able to get opened...

As she heard whistle.. and she looked behind... there was a shadow standing

Rose: please let me go... Don't kill me please... Please (tears start falling from her checks)

???: I hate seeing people crying...

THE NIGHTMARE (J.JK FF) [Horror] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now