03 - Hematophobia

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Valia's POV

My eyes kept fighting with his eyes until a voice claimed my atention.

"Hello my name is Mrs. Watson, who may you be?" I twisted my head in the direction of the sound just to a lady with grey hair and a thick pair of glasses.

"I'm Valentina madam. I have just transfered from Phoenix"

"Oh you are one of the chiefs' daughters, right?" her gaze went back to the paper with all of her alumnis' names "I'm sorry sweetie I can't find you in the S, could you tell me your full name?"

"Valentina Amelia Dwyer-Swan, with a hyphen in between"

"Oh yes here you are. Well there should be a book underneath the table, feel free to use it but to not to destroy it. Ok?" I nodded and she pointed with her head to the only empty sitting space "Sit next to Jasper please" I nodded once again and made my way to the table. I could feel his gaze burning a hole into my skull but I didn't raise my eyes until I got to the table.

"Hi I'm Valentina, nice to meet you" I said finally looking back at him. I cannot lie, up close this man was still flawless. His perfect porcelain skin and great physique made me feel quite intimidated but nonetheless I extended my hand to greet him. What I didn't expect was him taking my hand and putting a kiss on top of it.

"Jasper Hale, and the pleasure it's mine ma'am" if this was any other situation the gesture may have creep me out but either his chivalrous demanour or his southern accent made it seem really sweet.

"Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only southener in the school. Texan?"

"Indeed, born and raised" without leaving me any time to respond Mrs. Watson started her explanation in the Civil war. None of the students seem to be really interested. Despite this, I knew I couldn't be lazy the first day of school so decided to write down a few notes. Half an hour passes without any changes, I could still feel the gaze of my partner on me while I pretended not to notice at all. Suddenly the sharp cry of a girl could be heard.

"Sorry I just cut myself with the sharpener" the girl said.

"Johnson go to the infirmary to get it cleaned please" Mrs. Watson said. I heard a Jasper shift him position in the seat he looked as if he tried to get as far from the girl as possible by strongily pushing himself against the wall behind him.

"Are you ok Jasper?" I whispered as I slightly touched his hand. His head snaped up to meet mine I could see the clear panic in his gaze, he moved his head side to side semmingly incapable to talk back to me. I automaticaly raise my hand up.

"Yes, Ms. Dwyer?" said the teacher.

"Jasper, isn't feelling well either, would you mind he went outside to have some air? I could go with him to check" Mrs. Watson looked at him and then back at me and nodded. I quickly grabbed our bags and took his hand and leds us out of the class. His hand felt really cold now, was it like that earlier? Probably it was and I just didn't notice. I don't look back at him until we go out of the front door and we sit down in a bench.

"It's ok, I understand Jasper" he kept his hand on mine and I rubbed soothing circles in his back. I was impressed from the muscles and I could feel underneath, this man was made out of stone. However my attention was quickly back to his face, trying to scan any other emotion than suffering but failing to do so. After a few minutes he unclasped my hand and repositioned his seating position looking back at me rather than at the floor.

"I'm really sorry. I do very bad with blood. Sorry if I startled you I didn't mean to" he said in a really quiet voice.

"Hey everybody has their own battle, it's perfectly fine. There is no need to apologise" I tried to made my tone as reassuring as posible while giving him a smile. "If something like that happens again I can help you again, ok? There is no reason to suffer in silence" he looked as if he had seen a ghost. Has none ever told him to share his feelings? He opened his mouth to say something but before he could do so the bell rang and a very worried looking Alice jolted though the door behind Jasper.

"I heard what happened, are you ok?" she said while approching us.

"Yes, yes everything is fine Alice" Jasper said turning around to see her sister. She looked at her brother but she quickly acknowledge me.

"Oh, hey my name is Alice Cullen I'm afraid we haven't met yet, you are?" I could tell than she already knew who I was, but of course a new student in a small highschool can't be annonymous for very long so I shrugged it off.

"Valia Dwyer-Swan, lovely to meet you" I responded.

"You are so sweet, I can already tell we are going to get along great!" I could help but to smile, the cheerful attitude of this girl was truly enviable. 

"Well if both of you would excuse me, I have a sister to find" both of the siblings waved while I went back inside. I happen to see her at the secretary which is right next to the entrance. She was looking inside so I mimic her just to see Edward Cullen taking to a short woman. "Every class is full" said the secretary to Edward. "Just a minute, dear. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology" said the secretary. 

"Fine. Just... I'll just have to endure it" said Edward and walked past us without sparing us a single glance. 

"A little bit more of emotion and steam would go out of their ears, I swear what up this dude?" 

"I will tell you in the car" Bella said. Ok now this is weird... As soon as we get into the car I can't help myself so I ask her.

"Is everything ok with Edward?"

"Well, he acted very weird when I sat next to him in biology. I think he thought I smelled or something, and when the bell rang he basically stormed outside" she said. "And then he tried to change classes? I mean, I just wanted to ask what the problem was" she sighed.

"Sis you don't smell, maybe you can ask him tomorrow if something triggered him" 

"What do you mean by triggered?"

"I sat next to Jasper in history and he was fine, you know quiet and looking at me, but fine and then a girl cut herself and he panicked. I mean he was really on edge, so who knows if Edward has something like that".

 "You are right. I will try to asking tomorrow" she said and started the car. I put my earphones and look outside into the parking lot. We passed the Cullens and I saw Jasper looking at me though the glass, I give him a small wave as a sign of goodbye. 

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