04 - Black Abyss

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Valia's POV

Even if my sister was confident, thanks to mine and moms telephonic encouragment, in the idea that she would confront Edward that didn't happen. Neither that day or the next, or the next... according to Jasper he had gone to Seattle to take care of some personal matters and he would be back here in some time. If you ask me, this definitely was quite the coincidence or was it? The Cullens seemed to have such a wealth that I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved in some shady bussiness.

 Whatever the case may be, what was certain was that I got along quite well with them specially with Jasper. I may fail my history midterm at this point but I could care less. The was something about his silent personality that relaxed me to no end. After a few weeks the situation hadn't changed until both Bella and I had a conversation with Charlie.

"Feel free to have dinner without me. I gotta head down to Mason County. The security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal" Bella and I share a worried look "You girls need to realise we are not in Arizona anymore". Let's say that the following nights we made sure the windows were properly locked.

The snow had arrived at Forks and that meant one great thing. I got to wear by favourite blue beanie for the first time in years, which managed to get a giggle out of Jasper as as the snowflakes on top of it melted into my notes in the middle of the lesson. Arriving at lunch I noticed Edward Cullen back at his usual stop with his siblings.

"Have you talked to him Bella?" I asked as I sitted down.

"Yes, he introduced himself again and said it wasn't my fault that it's was just a thing he has going on. But..." she said lowering her tone.

"But what?"

"His eyes were black before and now they are golden like the rest of the Cullen. I swear they changed" she whispered in my ear.

"Well maybe he was wearing contacts or it's the lighting"

"I mean if they aren't siblings how come they all look so much alike though"

"Probably Dr. Cullen wanted them to look like they could be their actual kids or something" she looks at me as if I had gone mad "look I know it's weird but I can't think of anything else so" she huffed and I let it slide while I made conversion with Eric and Angela about the science fair of next week.

A few more classes happen afterwards and soon it was time to go home. I went out of the door and jogged to reach Bella before she entered the truck.

"Listen sis, I'm sorry if I was rude at lunch. It's that I don't want you overthinking about that douche, ok?" I said. She opened her mouth to respond but her voice never came to be. Instead a screak of tires againt the pavement filled the air making me to turn my head behind me just to see Taylor's van slipping directly towards us.

"Bells!" I went to push her out of the way but my waist got circled with way more strength that I could put a fight against. A blur passed in front of me in Bellas' direction and I was brought closer to the body of whoever had hugged me. Suddently the van stopped and my vision managed to focus Edward and Bella tangled in the floor but apprently breathing while in my peripheral vision I could see a mop of blond hair close to my face...

"What the...? Jasper..." I turned around to see his eyes scanning my face as he was checking my state but I could help but notice his eyes were abnormally black.

"I-I just..." he immediately let go of my body while he started to look at his brother I followed his gaze and I saw Edward helping Bella up.

"Bella are you...? Did it hit you? Oh my god..."

MIMICRY - Jasper WhitlockWhere stories live. Discover now