05 - Ice cream for the Bad Wolf

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Valia POV's

My weekend nights weren't peaceful at all and I could tell that Bella's weren't either as purple bags were noticeable under her eyes. We spent all weekend alone at home Charlie being gone once again to Mason County where yet another corpse had appeared.

"Have you being sleeping well?" I asked her in the ride to school on monday.

"Not really I have being getting this weird dreams" she said.

"I have being this nightmares as well. What did you dream about?" I said nonchalantly.

"I can't really remember the dreams but on saturday I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw Edward in my bedroom" I turned back to her with a questioning look "Don't worry I went to turn on the lamp and he wasn't there anymore. I bet it was just my mind making everyhting up"

"Huh... interesting"

"Why? What were you dreaming about?"

"I dreamt that I was being chased in a forest by some red haired woman. I don't think I've seen her before but I was scared shitless" I sighed "However, whenever she came closer a feeling of peace always surrounded me and she wasn't chasing me anymore. I think I'm turning around the tale of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf or something"

"So you are the bad wolf being chasen" she chuckled "well that could explain why your hearing is so good of a sudden"

"What do you mean?"

"In the hospital you seem to be able to hear the Cullen's converation but it barely seemed like a whisper to me"

"That is cause you were stressed and not paying attention, I don't think it has gotten any better by any means" I shrugged my shoulders and we soon pull into the parking lot. Thankfully I remebered to bring the our authorisations for the fieldtrip, I may had forged dad's signature but I don't think he would arrest me anyway. We just got out the truck when an overly happy Mike approached us.

"There you are girls, alive and in a single piece!"

"Yeah we survived" said Bella sounding not excited at all, I mean typical Bella if you ask me.

"Well I wanted to ask you Bella I know it's in a while but would you go to prom with me? How does it sound?" I wasn't Sherlock Holmes but I didnt't needed in order to know that her attention was in Edward Cullen who was a meters behind Mike. I softly punch her ribs bringing her out of her trance.

"Eh, I-I don't really dance. Also I have  tickets to Jacksonville that weekend"

"Can't you pospone it?"

"They are non-refundable" she said almost annoyed.

"Well what about you Valentina? Would you like to go with me?"

"No offense Mike but you are not my type. Ask Jessica I know for a fact she wants to go with you" he looked over his shoulder to look at her and she gave him a warm smile. He looked back to us with and understanding facial expresion and we all went to catch the buses. Half and hour later of listening to Jessica's ranting about the color the tablecloths and why the blue shade of last wear was horrible, we arrived a the greenhouses.

I was walking behind Bella by a couple meters when Edward approached her. I decided to keep my distance in case he decided to say something worth it for once. I saw Jasper lovingly looking at Alice who was smelling the flowers. I remembered the remark Jessica made at the begging of the semester about them not being together but who knows if that is the truth. When I focus my sight back again they were no longer there...

"Hello" said Jasper very close to my right side, I jumped fightened for a second.

"Jasper you need to learn how to be a bit louder I almost had a heart attack" he chuckled "I'm being dead serious don't laugh at me" I punched his shoulder but I regretted it instantly, this man was made out of steel I swear.

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