02 - The treat of American history

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Third person POV's

That night, I the sisters didn't manage to get much sleep due to the jetlag so they swiftly got their clothes and my bag ready for highschool. Coincidentally their both opted for long hoodies as Forks weather didn't seem forgiving that day. After breakfast, Bella drove them both to school. Valentina had gotten her license as soon as she had turned 16 in december but she hadn't had much practise because the 11 months older sister always wanted to drive, not that either cared about it. Being the middle of the semester, people were staring at them as soon they got into the parking lot. "Nice ride" said a guy. 

"Thanks" answered Bella and they just walked inside. 

"You two must be Isabella Swan and ..." said an Asian guy. 

"Valentina Dwyer-Swan, Bella's sister" she added in. The guy took on the information and nodded.

"Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" 

"I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type" said Bella and Valia could help but chuckle slightly. 

"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper and you two news, babes, front page" he said.

 "No, we're not" said Bella. "Please, don't have any sort of..." she said. 

"Chillax. No feature" said Eric. 

"Okay, thanks" said Bella. 

After the sisters finally got their locker, they headed to the gym together. They had a claar disadvantage in volleyball as the others had been playing for months already. Therfore the sisters weren't the best to put it slightly. Bella was completly awful while Valia started to get the hang of it by the end of the class. They had a "nice" interaction with a girl and boy called Jessica and Mike who joikingly pointed out the siblings' pale look . The paired offered the sisters to sit in the cafeteria with them and they gladdly accepted and the group changed clothes and went to have lunch.

"Hey, Mikey. You met my home girls, Bella and Valia?" said Eric. 

"Your home girls?" said Mike. 

"My girl" said the guy from the car comment of this morning, Tyler, and kissed Bella's cheek as she had a laugh and swiped her cheek. Tyler pulled back Mike's chair, and they began the chasing game. 

"Oh, my God" laughed Jessica. 

"It's like first grade all over again. You two are the shiny new toy" 

"Smile" said a new girl and took a picture of us. 

"Okay" said Bella awkwardly. 

"Sorry, I needed a candid for the feature" said the girl. 

"The feature's dead, Angela" said Eric, rudely. "Don't bring it up again" 

"It's okay, we just.." began Valia. 

"I got your back, baby" said Eric and left to get some more food.

"Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking" said Angela. 

"You know, you can always go for eating disorders" Valia added in as the heads of the table turned to her.

"That's a good idea. Also, how come you are Bella's sister but I don't remember you around here?" Jessica said.

"Well I'm Bella's younger sister I can assure you that much. I'm Renée and Phil's daughter so I'm techinically her half sister but were are really close." The others teens nooded in understanting. "But spent less time in Forks than Bella and I look more like our mom so that explains the blue eyes and the fact and I'm so short" Valia smiled. "Also, thinking about it maybe my idea wasn't that good maybe you should go for something more lightheardted"

"Maybe speedo padding on the swim team" said Bella, the sisters exchanged glances as Valia silently thanked Bella for trying to change the subject. 

"Actually, that's a good one" said Angela. 

"Kirk. Right? That's exactly what I thought" said Jessica. 

"Who are they?" Bella asked, getting Valia's look out of her plate. She followed her gaze, there were 5 beautiful people getting inside the cafeteria.

"The Cullens" said Angela. "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago" said Jessica. 

"They kind of keep to themselves" said Angela. 

"Yeah, 'cause some of them are together. Like, together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal" said Jessica. 

"Jess, they're not actually related" said Angela. I noticed that the two of them sat down without taking food.

"Yeah, but they live together, It's weird. And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and she's close with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain. But I don't think they're together, together like the other two" said Jessica. Valentina looked at them taking their apparence as one of nice people. Alice looked at me smiling kindly while meeting her stare. "Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker" added Jessica. 

"Maybe he'll adopt me" said Angela. 

"Who's he?" asked Bella, and she stared at the last pale guy. "That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him" said Jessica, and Valia could've sworn that she saw Edward Cullen smirk.  "Like I care, you know? So, yeah. Seriously, like, don't waste your time" said Jessica. 

"I wasn't planning on it" said Bella, but she stared back at the Cullens while Edward looked at the sisters rather stangely. However Valia didn't seem to notice as she was currently having  her own staring competition with the blond sibling. The bell quickly sounded ending the breaking record stares and they entire table standed up and went to dispose their trays. 

"What classes do you have now?" Eric enquired.

"Hmmm, I have American history and Bella has biology I think" said Valia looking at the winkled timetable in her hands.

"Great! I have biology I will show you the way" said Mike a bit too enthusiastically while Jessica huffed loudly.

"I have french, which is next door to your class so I can show you the way as well" said Eric "but I must say that you are in for a pain in the ass. American history has almost no alumni because it so hard to pass".

"Well we will see, won't we?" said Valia playfully, knowing she already almost everything she needed to pass thanks to her interest in books. The pair went in the opposite direction of the others and after a few minutes they arrived saying goodbye to eachother. As the entered the class she could see a pair of golden orbs staring back at her.

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