13 - Treasure the golden

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Valia's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Can someone stop that stupid sound? Beep. Because otherwise my head will explode. Beep. Beep. Bee- My eyes flutter open just to be blinded by a very cold white light. A shade came into my vision and I recognised the silhouette as my mother.

"Mum?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"Hey darling" she said.

"Where is Bella? Jaz? Ed?" 

"Bella is in the next room, she is sleeping. Edward is with her, and Jasper sleeping in that couch. He doesn't ever leave you alone" I squinted my eyes to focus my sight in the 'sleeping' figure in the sofa "Charlie is in the cafeteria".

"What happened?" I asked hesitentatly.

"Well... Bella fell down and you tried to catch her but she brought you down. She went through a window and you had a big concussion. You don't remember it, do you?" I moved my head side to side. Ok, let's not do that it hurt like a b... "Well, Jasper and Edward came to Phoenix with their father to try and bring you both back to Forks but Bella fell off the staircase of their hotel. She lost a lot of blood but she's already woken up a few hours ago" A buzzing sound can be heard and mum took out her phone "It's your father, I convinced him to say in Florida but he is very worried".

"Mum, are you texting?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah" she chuckled "You know, you girls would love Jacksonville. We found a great house and..."

"No, I don't think we are going... Eh, we managed to convince Bella to go back to Forks"

"I know she told me so. I just thought you may have changed your mind"

"We are a pack. We will be fine, Charlie and our group of friends are there now. Could I get a moment alone with Jaz? Also go fetch Bella and Charlie please" my mother just nodded her head and left after gently 'waking up' Jasper. He was a good actor I must say, we got up from the couch slowly as if he was tired but as soon as my mum closed the door he rushed to my side.

"How do you feel?"

"I have a headacke but not much else. I was lucky my brain wasn't smashed to a pulp" I jokingly said to try and lighten up the mood. He didn't laugh. In fact his face didn't show any emotion as if he was lost in his own mind. I cupped his face into my hands and made his gaze fell into mine. "Jaz it was a joke. I'm perfectly fine, I'm here with you, ok?" he gave me a small grin a leaned in to close the gap between our faces. After a few seconds, he let go as if I would break any moment, I just roll my eyes at him and jokingly mouth 'really?'.

"I know, it's just seeing you all tubed up scared the shit out of me" he sighed. "James was killed but Victoria scaped so...".

"What! Tell me you are kidding, do we have to hide again?" I said in a panic.

"We are going back to Forks love don't worry" I let go of a breath I didn't knew I was holding. "She can't beat a whole family of us, she would be really stupid to do. But, if she were to try to, Alice will see her coming" my lips curled into a smile thinking about the pixie cut girl.

"You know, I fucking love you Jaz" his eyes went pitch black as he stared into my eyes.

"I fucking love you too Val" 


The party was in full swing back in Forks. Alice had conviced Bella to wear a dress to the event. How did she convice her of that, I don't know but I'm not going to complain. Knowing that our boyfriends were downstairs alone with Charlie put quite the pressure in me to quickly finish my sister's makeup. Don't get me wrong, I was not worried about the mortal but rather at our future dance partners. Charlie's protectiveness plus his loaded shot gun and a few motives wasn't a good convo.

"We are done!" I shouted as I opened the bedroom door. Walking could be heard from downstairs as the trio got closer to the staircase. Bells came down first, me following her closely in case her would fall because of the cast.

"Wow" said simultaneosly both of the Cullens. Charlie tried to keep his tough facade up but a smile crept into his lips at our sight. Bella went to Edward while I went to Jasper who gave me a caste forehead kiss knowning my father was burning holes through his skull.

"We will take care of both of them Chief Swan" Edward said.

"I've heard thet one before" I rammed my elbow into my fathers side. The boys took the indirect and left us a minute with Charlie, we reassured him nothing bad was gonna happen and he reassured us that the was brand new pepper spray in our bags. Fair enough Charlie, fair enough.

"Ready to go?" asked Jaz to no one in particular I nodded and we got into the respective cars, both Cullens opening the passengers doors. 

"You look amazing in that dress love" I blushed at his words and looked to the forrest as if it was the most interesting thing I have seen in my life.

"Thanks, at the end of the day blue is your favorite color".

"Dress divine but is just complementing you" I looked back and him to see him looking at me. I pointed at the road ahead of us and he chuckled but removed his gaze.

"I could say the say the same thing about you.  But I would rather have you without any of it." I, myself was even surprised at my boldness.

"Allow me, love" he removed his hand from the stearing wheel to place it in my inner thigh. I contained a shiver of delight and chose to place my hand on top of his to announce my consent.


"I have to admit the venue is beautiful they did out do last year's" I nodded at Edward's comment guessing any venue to hardly top this one. "We are going to go to our siblings for a second, do you mind?" he said looking at Bella and I, both of us shook our heads.

After the siblings left, we started gossiping about our dates and, unsurprisingly, we were both amazed to how they had scrubbed off. Not that a vampire could look bad anytime but the tuxedos did elevate their appereance. Suddenly I sense that we aren't alone. It was certainly a weird feeling, I hadn't heared anything yet but I knew something was nearby. I relaxed as I saw Jacob Black come close to us with a smile on his face.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi Jake" Bella responded as just smiled back.

"Both of you look very pretty"

"Thanks, you look very good as well, are you going to sneak into the dance?" Bella wasn't lying. Just like the Cullens he looks very different with a smart shirt but he did look out of place.

"Nah, eh..." he aproached us and I could feel his uneasiness "my father is paying to speak to both of you. 20 bucks you know"

"What's up Jacob?" I speak up for the first time in the conversation.

"I don't want either of you to get angry. But he wants both of you to break up with the Cullens and I quote "we will be watching you"" he added a small laugh at the end his point as if it was to be taken a humorous thing.

"Well, thank him in our behalf. And tell him to pay you" I responded. I didn't want to get mad in such and important day so I let slide the nerve the Blacks seem to have. Bella tried to stand up and Jacob tried to help me in stabilizing her but the Cullens appeared ot of nowhere and Jacob left with a bittersweet tone.

I knew for a fact that Bella would try and convince Edward tonight of transforming her sooner than later but based in what Jasper had told he would never do so. I didn't have that desire, yet or maybe ever, therefore I just enjoyed my bit of dancing under the stary night looking into the sweet honey eyes of my forever lover.

Thankfully for me, I know how to treasure the golden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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