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It's past seven pm when the ship reaches Ilvermorny. Hermione woke the two boys and they prepare their trunks and belongings once they're done they came out the ship and quickly fall in line with the other first year students headed by the ground keeper of the school.

They were walking into the woods Hadrian is in between Cedric and Hermione." You know father will be very happy when he found out that i already have a friends." Cedric said decided to broke the silence. "Why?? Don't you have any friends back at your place?" Hermione ask. "No who would want to be friends with a son of a death eater?" Cedric answered sarcastically." Well now you have friends me and Hermione." Hadrian said hugging Cedric and Hermione by their shoulder. After a while of walking and laughing they finaly reach the entrance of the gigantic castle of Ilvermorny.

Cedric, Hermione and Hadrian's eyes widened." Woah this is very huge!!" Cedric said to his friends. The other agreed and respond with laugh.

" Welcome students." A 37 year old woman with a black raven hair and a pale skin greeted." I am Professor Gineva Jean Jackston I'm the deputy head master of Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry once we enter the great hall you will be sorted into one of four respected houses there are thunderbird, Wampus, horned serpent and pukwudgie." Professor Jackston said leading them to the great Hall's gigantic gate the hall way is filled by painting of the previous headmasters in ilvermorny.

After five minutes the big gate opened and the head master called them to come in. Hadrian look around and see how gigantic the greathall of ilvermorny is. It was twice the big of the greathall of hogwarts maybe its because the school can accommodate much more students than hogwarts. there are black white banners hanging in the ceiling and floating candles are in everywhere . They fall in line as the other students from the other year is staring at them. Hadrian thought that the other students is making a bet on what houses the first year might be in.

" Greetings first year students i am professor Luther Jackston the head master of ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry, and i am reminding you that wondering outside the castle is completely prohibited dont ask why. The curfew will start at eleven thirty at night and ends at four o'clock in the morning. Now childrens I am pleased and thankful to you for choosing Ilvermorny as your second home for the next Seven magical years of your life. I assure you that you'll have the high quality education you all deserve. Now let the sorting begins." The head master Luther charles Jackston stated.

Professor Gineva walk in front of a stool and a small table appeared. "Who wants to go first?" The lady professor ask.

The other students including Cedric and Hermione walk backwards leaving clueless Hadrian on where he was standing." Oh looks like Mr. Malfoy wants to go first" professor gineva said and the crowd laughs. He have no choice but to walk forward and sit on the wooden chair.

Professor Gineva placed four badges with four different creature image carved in it which he thought was the four houses of ilvermorny the first badge is a bird a gigantic bird which he recognize as thunderbird.

The second one is an image of a lionlike creature with six feet they call it wampus. next is a basilisk like serpent with horns, it was horned serpent. the last one is a weird troll like creature it was pukwudgie. They waited for some time when the blank white banner turn into an image of a bird " THUNDERBIRD!!" Professor Gineva shouted. The whole crowd specially from the thunderbird table celebrate and hadrian walk towards the table. After he got sorted the sorting ceremony go on, Cedric and Hermione also sorted into thunderbird.

After the feast the prefects lead their new recruits to their common rooms all Houses have their own tower. Thunderbirds students reach their common room entrance.

" FIRST YEAR" a prefect said and the door with a bird statue on it, opened. The first year students was amazed. They enter and found their selves walking into a big stair case with a big spiral stairs. And after a while they reach the common room." Hi my name is Angelo Trix i am a seventh year prefect and i am here to guide you, all of you have your own rooms three students in one room to be exact. Now i want you to invite two more friends to share a room now. you may start." the prefect stated and soon the common room was filled with happiness. Cedric and hadrian paired with Hermione.( Ilvermorny dont have gender restrictions).

"Okay now come here to get your room number and pasword."said Angelo. Hermione step forward to get their room number and pasword.after they got what they needed the trio went upstairs to find their room.

" 214?.... Oh there it is " Cedric said as he found their room. the trio went there exited they happily shouted the password " black owl" and it opened. " Well the room is not that bad" said hadrian." No its very beautiful" Cedric added. They place their trunks in the storage compartment of the room and place some robe in their cabinets.
they free their pets exited to know their names.

" So this is Crookshanks a british flying cat" Hermione started." This is charles a size shifting badger" Cedric added." Well this is hedwig a chinese shape shifting eagle" hadrian said. "Nice to meet you hedwig" Hermione and cedric greeted. They put down their pets on the floor and let them sleep. They sat on the ground as well." Why i haven't heard many muggle surname back in the sorting ceremony?" Hadrian ask his friends.

" Its because ilvermorny lessen the acceptance of muggle born witch and wizard to study here so they had no choice but to study in hogwarts." Hermione explained." So there is no muggle born wizard or witch here?" Cedric ask cunfused." There is still some but not that many, plus here in america we dont call muggles muggle, american wizarding Community call them nomage short for no magic" hermione finished.

After their conversation they went straight back to bed and sleep.

Note: it felt weird when i read hermione's pet name "contile" and not crookshanks so i changed it into crookshank, I also added some few more lines on head master Jackson's welcoming speech so that it won't look plane and common. Anyway good night,,,

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