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Author's pov

Lucius along with the other aurors went to nurmengard to pay Grindelwald a visit. From the ministry they apperated to the gates of the prison. Sounds of apperation echoed the whole place." We're here stay close." One of the aurors said. They walk upstairs through the highest cell in the top floor of the prison."get ready put your occlumency charm so that he wont enter our minds understand?" Another auror said.

They stood on the supposed to be Grindelwald's cell and said the password."percival dumbledore" one o the auror said. " Really. dumbledore?" Lucius said raising his eye brow. " Yes. Grindelwald is a genius wizard he would think the password might be a difficult one and not the easiest one understand?" The auror said and lucius nodded.

They enter the cell and to their surprise there's no one in there. " Where's Grindelwald!" The aurors said starting to panic." Calm down" lucius said." How! How do we suppose to calm down Grindelwald is missing!" The chief auror exclaim. "Auror inspect the whole prison and find Grindelwald! Now." He motion a group of auror in his left and then the auror ride their brooms and flew outside the prison to find Grindelwald.

" You inspect all the cell gather all the prisoner we have to find Grindelwald!" Te chief again shouted and the aurors saluted and start their mission.

A few moments later the first batch of auror who inspect the outside of the prison come back " we didn't see him" the auror said. Lucius is calm as eer watching the panicking yet anxious aurors. Then the secon batch of aurors arrive with all the prisoner with them. They drag the prisoners to the ground and make them bent on their two knee heads looking down." Make them drink a inti-polyjuice potion" the chief ordered and they did so.

They waited for about five minutes but yet theres no change occurred. That was when the auror realize something." Grindelwald has escaped".


The next day Hadrian is walking with his friends heading to the great hall. Luna and pansy was talking about something,theo and Neville excuse themselves to the group and turn walking through the empty corridor the gang seems predicted what's going to happen but didn't question it.

Hermione and draco holding hands while walking they decided to follow the flow of their relationship and both didn't want to rush things. Blaise,vincent and gregory is laughing behind hadrian and cedric is walking quietly beside him reading a spell crafting book. His face is blooming and hadrian admire him with that. Well in their year in ilvermorny they used to sleep in one bed and nothing happened between them just cuddling and enjoying each others presence.

When they reach the great hall they meet the twins and greeted them good morning then they sit on the slytherin table. (The twins went back to the griffindor table so that dumbledore wont get suspicious.)

Hadrian is eating his breakfast draco and Hermione is sitting across him and as usual cedric, sitting on his right,luna and pansy is sitting next to draco and Vincent Gregory is sitting in hadrian's left and blaise on Cedric's right.

"Hey Cedric how's your first night here?" Blaise spoke.
" Well it was nice but i miss sleeping beside hadrian" there he look at hadrian with joking yet hot look in his face.
When hadrian look at him he quickly spitted his water in his brother's face " hey whats up with you!" Draco said while the other slytherin is laughing at him. " Cedric what do you mean by that" pansy ask cedric." When we're still in ilvermorny they use to sleep in one bed and cuddling around." Hermione said.

Then luna enters the conversation they used to act like a couple back there now i missed it." She said. " Ugh that's cute i wish I'm there to see it my self." Pansy said.then hermione joined in " and then three in the morning i heard loud noises coming from Hadrian's bed." There hadrian hit her with a book." Auch! I'm just saying the truth." He said.
Causing everyone to laugh.

" And hadrian i want to ask you this long time ago.... What book are you reading when you were with cedric in the library?" She ask.

hadrian open his mouth clearly clueless about what's going to happen next. " We read spell crafting books?" He answered. " Ahh so what chapter is ' oh god cedric yeah, or god go deeper, or fuck cedric your hot" she teases

Cedric and hadrian looked pale as snow. Then everyone turn their look on the duo and when they saw their faces they laugh hard.

Well for some reason they felt 'save by the bell' when neville and theo walk in. " Hey guys" theo greeted neville is walking behind him. They look at neville and saw eed marks all around neville's neck. Hadrian look at neville's eyes and enter his mind looking about something he could use to tease neville then he found what he wanted neville and theo making out in an empty classroom.

Then he look at hermione who's also looking at neville's eyes ' let's tease him?'. 'yes' and with that their expression changed. From smiling to teasing. " So did you enjoy? Your time together?" Hadrian started. " Yeah you look satisfied Neville" hermione added it was short but effective. Neville's blushing intensity got higher.

"Its okay i enjoy it too neville" theo

" Shut up" neville

" Well atleast i satisfied you" theo teases.and neville blush again. They were laughing when the head master walk in.
Professor snape and professor potter noticed it too.

" Hadrian my boy may i have a talk with you?"

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