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Half way through hogwarts Luna, Neville and Cedric are reading their books when their carriage Shake then they hear some weird noises out side the carriage Neville look out side the window when he saw a skeleton faced creature out side flying with them. He step back and look at Luna and Cedric " th- there's ba-a de-de-dementor out side" he said with a shock expression. Then their carriage shake again this time the door in the their right opened revealing a dementor entering the carriage.

Then the dementor looked at Neville who was still stunned looking at the beast in front of him. Then the dementor opened its mouth sucking a piece of soul of poor Neville. Then neville felt his happy memories with theo and his friends slowly disappearing, his memory with theo talking and laughing in the lake near the lestrange manor, how he met Luna and how they met hadrian, hermione, cedric,viktor and fleur all disappearing slowly. He was deep in his own thoughts when he heard a girl casting the patronus charm" expecto patronum!" The girl yelled it was the girl with white blonde hair and a transparent blue eyes that he seen many times 'Luna'

After casting the patronus charm a bright white light comes out from Luna's wand and the dementor flew away.
" stay here neville,{looking at Neville} i will drive the carriage {looking at Luna}. " Cedric spoke up as he close tw carriage's door.

Neville just nod with a blank expression face he was still stunned and shock he was thankful the dementor didn't suck any of his 'happy memory' but still shock it is his first encounter with a dementor a real dementor, his first encounter is a boggart in the form of a dementor while trying to defeat one in their DADA class is second year.

Cedric open the ceiling door of the carriage and sat on the driver's seat while luna is following him trying to protect the wampus boy. " Expecto patronum!!" She yelled several time to repulse the dementors while cedric is driving the carriage leading them to hogwarts.

Cedric can see the thestral trying their best to fly faster as they could. Cedric,Luna, Neville, hermione,hadrian could see a thestral when they witnessed the death of one of their classmate in first year and it was hadrian's fault. Back in their first year in ilvermorny hadrian is bullied by a 3rd year pukwudgie student unaware about Hadrian's destiny.

one night hadrian's group including Luna, neville, Cedric,and Hermione were in the ilvermorny's forest they were meant to duel against the pukwudgie bully and his pukwudgie friends.the duel went smoothly not untill the Bully said something about his friends that he didnt liked.

his anger increased and his eyes went completely black then he released a black smoke and his ilvermorny's robe turned into a weightless cloak and then his black wings appeared from his back.

it is his second veela transformation for years since his creature inheritance. Then he walk forward to the bully pukwudgie leaving his friends and the bully's friends stunned by his sudden transformation.

Then he open his palm and then it start sucking the poor pukwudgie bully's soul. After he fully absorbed the soul he dropped the dead body of the boy to the ground only skeleton is left.

Then when the bully's friends started to run the other four stopped then then obliviate them erasing all the things that they saw that moment. Then they dropped the skeleton of the poor pukwudgie student in the river near then letting the river serpent the swallow the body then hadrian went back to his original look.

Back in the present luna is still fighting against the dementors when Neville decides to join her. They both cast the patronus charm and sometimes stunning spell to the flying dementors. " What is tw dementors doing here?" Neville ask loudly so that the other can hear him. " I think this has to do with the black and lestrange breakout in azkaban" cedric responded.

They flew fast but the dementors is more faster the dementors try to break the carriage so they collide against the carriage intentionally. When the carriage went out of balance and starting to fall, Luna who was very soft when it comes to magical creatures cut the rope connecting the thestrals to the carriage freeing them then they started to fall from the sky through hogwarts. Their carriage fall into the whomping willow 8n hogwarts grounds causing it to broke.

They quickly went out of the carriage preventing to get injured. They cast a "calmensio" spell to the willow tree to tame it and it worked. They created the spell during summer since their favorite hangout place back in ilvermorny is the whomping willow forest.

Then they looked at their broken carriage and cat a "contructo" spell to re create it and again it worked. They levitated the carriage and dropped it infront of them.then they walk through the gate of the castle and in their surprise they saw students and teachers looking at them in Surprise.

One thought was in the minds of the students that are looking at them ' not to mess with this guys ' " hello dears what is your names?" A woman in her late 80s but looked like in her 60s neville thought spoke up." We're Luna, neville and me Cedric." Cedric answered. Then the woman's eyes widened. " Your the new students form ilvermorny right?" She said. The three nod. " Farewell follow me." She said and the three followed her leading them through the great hall.

While walking through the hallway they could hear many whisper from the other students some says ' another students from ilvermorny what houses would they sorted into?' well thats the most.


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