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Jannet Everlast's party was going to start in two hours and I had no idea what I was going to wear. I couldn't wear my tight, black skirt because I didn't feel like hooking up tonight, but I couldn't wear jeans either because I wanted to at least make-out with somebody. That's what Friday's were for, right?

Maybe I should go on Facebook and see what Evelyn is wearing. She has the same morals as me--and she's got the best closet on Earth--so she should definitely be able to help me out.

Only, she wasn't online. Which is the weirdest thing, because Evelyn Rose is always online. Whatever. I'll just text her. I am her best friend, and even though she isn't online, I know she'll text me back right away.

Only, she doesn't. Which is also weird, because that girl always has her phone.

Well maybe I'll just ask Mary. She has the second best closet and is the fifth in line for best friend if Evelyn A) moves, B) dies, C) dates Charlie Weathers, or D) falls in love with me (which, believe it or not, has happened before).

Fortunately for me, Mary is on and helps me narrow down the clothing list to the dress I wore to my aunt's wedding and the outfit that matches the one I bought for ex-best friend, Paisley Brown, last fall. I tell Mary thanks and that she is now fourth in line and then I go to log off.

But Paisley has just logged on.

To be completely honest, I'm not all that over Paisley (platonically-that is). We were best friends for years and we always passed notes and drew each other pictures and Skyped and all the things best friends do. The best part about us, though, was that we weren't friends because we looked good together and people expected us to be. No. We were friends because we actually felt like we belonged together and our worlds lit up in the presence of the other. Which, I might add, is not mine and Evelyn's friendship. Evelyn and I were friends because of the first reason.

It all came to an abrupt end when one day, seemingly out of the blue, Paisley just stopped talking to me. Well, not out of the blue completely. There were signs, but I was stupid enough to ignore them. Like, she had stopped sitting with me before school--I assumed that was because she was always late or going to tutoring. She stopped sitting with me at lunch--I assumed that was because she wanted to study in the library or wanted to go sit with her crush. When I called her my best friend, she kind of laughed and turned away--I assumed that was because she didn't like public affection in any form.

Then came October. I would make plans, and she would blow them off. I would text her, and she would take hours--sometimes even days--to respond. One day, after having enough of it, I asked her what was up and why she was acting all weird. All she responded with was "I can't do this anymore," and we never spoke again.

So now I'm sitting here staring at her name and that stupid little green dot next to it. I wonder if she is coming to the party? Maybe I should ask her. Surely she's not still mad at me for whatever it was that I did to upset her.

And so, I click on her name and the little chat box appears, revealing all the messages from the good old days.

Man, I never realized how much it hurt to lose a friend for no apparent reason. I'm serious. I've lost like.. what? Fifty friends? Sixty? See, I can't even keep up with number of people who hate me. Never once have I felt like this. Never once have I wanted to reconnect with someone so badly.

Just look at that profile picture. How does she get her hair to be so perfect? She never told me. If there was one secret she kept from me, it was how on earth she got those black waves to be so perfectly straight and side-swept.

And that band shirt with the jean shorts and black leggings-no one else in our entire school could pull that off but her. No one. Not even Ashlyn Williams who has a body that has been known to turn hetero girls and homo boys. Speaking of bodies, I can't help but remember how I was always so amazed about how Paisley was on the chubbier side, yet she seemed to be one of the most beautiful people I knew.

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