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"I'll miss you," I tell Her. Before She can respond, She's swept away by a group of crazy students. It's the last time I'll ever get to see Her.

She was my best friend, yet, at the same time, my worst enemy. The fact that She was moving wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that I was also in love with Her. I wanted to tell Her this, but I couldn't. Something prevented me from it. Instead, I went home and got on my favorite app. This app is great because I can connect with people who feel the same way I do.

I opened the 'recently posted' section and immediately saw something that piqued my interest. Some person named Anony_Mouse posted about leaving before she could tell a boy she liked him. I commented about my similar situation and soon enough we were messaging.

I guess we are similar, she says.

I guess so, I say. Then I ask her to tell me about her frenemy.

She describes to me the exact thing that I had with Her. I tell her about Us. About how I've loved Her for so long and how I was always too scared to tell her. She says that she "feels me," whatever that means, and how this sucks. She wants to see him one more time to tell him how she feels.

I don't respond to her, though. I don't want to. I'm suddenly struck with this feeling of regret for even talking to her.

What's wrong with me? I do not know. All I know is that I should not be messaging her. At least, I assume it's a girl. But never mind that.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a slim female appears in my doorway. A big grin crosses my face. My cousin, and close friend, Aria.

"What are you doing here so early?" I ask her. Since she lives in one of those college neighborhoods, she never really shows up until late at night. I had assumed that I had hours before she got here.

She walks in and turns on the light that illuminates my bedroom. "I was bored, so I decided to see what you were up to."

I smile at her and she crosses the room and sits on my bed. "So, what are you up to?" she inquires.

"Just playing on this thing," I say, motioning towards my laptop.

She nods. "I see. Want to do something better?"

I shrug. "Sure, but what? There's nothing really to do around here."

"Why are you such a downer? Come on, lets go somewhere." She hops up and makes her way over to me. Before I can protest, she slams my laptop shut and yanks me out of my desk chair.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Somewhere to get you're mind off of that girl," she answers. I send her a wondering look.

"Yeah, I know all about it," she laughs. "I'm not stupid."

With that, she pulls me out of my house.

One annoying car ride and two coffees later, we enter the parking lot of the abandoned Landrum Academy. The building that used to be home to the preppiest and richest kids in the state, but now houses nothing but dust and rats.

"What are we doing here?" I question.

"Meeting some of my friends," she explains. "They have been dying to meet you."

We crawl in through an open window near the back and start walking towards the old cafeteria. Two people, a male and a female, are standing together quietly whispering to each other. When they see us, the immediately stop.

"Hey guys," Aria greets. "This is my cousin. The one you've been begging me to introduce you to."

"I haven't been begging, Katianna has," the male declares.

The Book of Plot TwistsWhere stories live. Discover now