Chapter 13

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Shmuel's P.O.V.

I was woken up by someone tapping my shoulder, once I opened my eyes I saw it was my mom. "Hey I can't believe you're here" I said to her

"Hi sweetie of course I'd be here, Bruno called me and told me what happened and I came right away." She said she gave me a hug and sat down by my bedside.

"Oh sweetie I've missed you how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay it just hurts a little bit right now and I missed you to mom."

"Bruno said the doctor will be running a few more tests tomorrow and if everything is looking okay you can leave."

"Good I want to go home," I said to her. "Where's Bruno?"

"Visiting hours were over so the nurse told him to leave but he'll be back tomorrow." She said with a smile. I just nodded towards her.

"Um hey are you hungry I can go get something from the cafeteria?" She asked.

"Yes please you can grab me anything." I said. She said alright dear and left the room. I tried to think about what happened the other night when I got hit, to see if I can remember anything but all I can remember is that the car was green and it was going pretty fast. I just don't understand why this happened or who could have done this.

A couple minutes went by and mom came back with chips, fruit cups, and some tea. "Here I got you some chips and peach's." She handed me them with a spoon. I thanked her and starting eating.

"You know Bruno thinks someone planned hitting you with the car." She said to me while sipping her tea.

"Why does he think that?"

"Because he said who would just hit someone and not stop and the speed limit was 30 and the person was going around 60 and also they would have saw you and slowed down but they didn't, he does make some good points though." Now actually thinking about it yeah someone had to of planned to hit me, because they never did bother to stop or slow down. But who would do this to me.

"I never thought of that until now but yeah he could be right I just don't know anyone that would be after me." She just shrugged her shoulders and finished her tea.

"Oh dear it's almost 11 you should get some rest sweetie." She said to me I just nodded and closed my eyes, I assumed she'd just stay with me tonight.

~Next morning~

I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door, my mother way already awake and she said to come in. It was the doctor.

"Goodmorning Mr.Ross in a few minutes we will start running a few more tests to see how things are doing and if everything looks good you may go home."

"Okay" I replied. He came further into the room and two nurses followed behind. They told my mom to wait in the waiting from after I'm done, she nodded and left the room.

(Switching POV)
Bruno's P.O.V.
(Starting from last night after he read the letter)

It has got to be Rachel and Keith they are the only ones who'd be cruel enough to do this. I have got to get to Shmuel. I got in the car and drove to the hospital. I ran to the secretary.

"Hello I need to see Shmuel Vincent."

"Sorry visiting hours are over, only family members can see him at this time."

"No it's important I need to see him right now."

"I'm sorry sir but you can't see him until tomorrow when visiting hours start. So either please go back home or wait in the waiting room."

"Okay fine." I walked away towards the waiting room. It had been 12 a.m. so than I was finally drifting to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Lisa saying my name. "Bruno. Bruno. Bruno"


"Have you been waiting here all night?" She asked me and sat down next to me. I wiped my eyes to get myself to wake up a bit more.

"Yes I did"


"Because I needed to tell Shmuel something important but they wouldn't let me so I just stayed here."

"What do you need to tell him?"

"Well when I got home last night officer Anderson came to the house and told me a bystander saw a male driver and a female passenger. And down the road was a list that had Shmuel's and my name on it, than when he left a few moments later I heard a knock at the door I went to see who it was and no one was there but someone left a note. So I picked it up and it said "We got your Shmuel but next we will get you Bruno. You can't run and you can't hide we will find you and kill you and your precious fag lover."  And at the end of a letter there was an R so I'm thinking it had to be Rachel and Keith." 

"Who's Rachel and Keith?"

"Keith was a homophobic bully that beat up Shmuel and Rachel was my ex girlfriend, I left her for Shmuel."

"Oh god that couldn't be good, right now they are running the tests on him but when he gets out you have to tell him about the note."

"I plan on it than after we'd go to the police." I said to her, about 30 minutes go by and the doctor came out and said he's all good and can be brought home. We both walked to his room and he was already getting out of bed.

"You in a hurry?" I said with a little laugh.

"Hell yeah I want out of this place." I gave him a smiled and helped him up, after getting him up I looked at him and gave him a kiss.

"Okay let's get you home." I said, he was on crutches and I followed right beside and Lisa was behind holding somethings. He signed some papers to be released and we left and headed to the house. Once we got there I got him up the porch and onto the couch. Lisa went into the kitchen.

"Okay I need to talk to you" I said.

"Okay." He said with a worried tone. So I told him about Anderson coming over and the letter. And he had anger and shock written all over his face.

"Those assholes, they still have something against us. Fucking 5 years later and decided now to run me over and try to get rid of you. We gotta find a way to fuck them over."

"Well I was just thinking about telling the police"

"No we need to do something ourselves and show them and others they can't hurt us and that we aren't afraid."

"Shmuel you are in crutches right now and I have sass but not very much fighting skills what would we do."

"I'm not sure right now but we gotta think of something to take their asses down." He said with a smile and I smiled back.

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