Chapter 14

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Bruno's POV

Okay I know Shmuel really wants to get back at them but I don't know if it's a good idea, for one I don't even know where to begin a plan to even find them let alone get revenge. I mean trust me I really want to see those two suffer but if we tell the police they will lock them both up. But if we get revenge it will show we shouldn't be messed with and teach them a lesson. Ugh both have benefits and flaws. I know Shmuel really wants revenge though. He came up with a sort of plan already, wanting to find where they live, where they work, what other cars do they have, and wanting to know there routines. Than after a few weeks of following and tracking him he'd be out of the case by then and healed up. Than we should know their routines and where they live, that's when we come along finding ways to ruin their lives well either that or hit them with a car which sounds easier to me but more likely to go to jail. Neither one of us know what to do beyond the tracking part but we'll come up with it eventually. Oh no he's pulling me in on the revenge side rather than the police side. He's uncanny in so many ways it sometimes scares me of what that man can think of but damn is it hot.

It has been a couple days since we brought him home from the hospital. Lisa will be leaving tomorrow to go back to Berlin, it's been great having her here and I know it makes Shmuel happy to see her because he hasn't for away. Since we've been here she has come a couple of times a year to visit once she brought her fella and he's cool with the whole gay son thing. Last year he proposed to her and they plan on getting married in a few months. I know he makes her so much happier, when Shmuel and I left she was devastated but than she met the guy and after a few days he asked her to be his girlfriend. For the proposal they went on a trip to Paris and right at night by the Eiffel Tower and she of course said yes. She was so happy when she called us and told us and we were both happy for her. She's been a mom to me when my real mom disowned me.

God now thinking about it I haven't heard from both of them in over 5 years or even Gretel. I wonder if they even have tried to look for me. I do miss them and I wish to see them again. "Bruno?" Hello earth to Bruno." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Shmuel calling for me.


"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes I'm fine I was just thinking."


"My parents and sister." I said

"What are you thinking about them?"

"How much I miss them and wondered if they ever tried to find me." I replied with a sad tone in my voice.

"I'm sorry maybe they have tried."

"Maybe.." I just feel like they haven't tried. Like they haven't even bother to look for me. It just gets me upset knowing they probably don't care about me or love me anymore. 

I guess I was spacing out again because Shmuel was yelling my name at this point.

"What?" I kinda yelled back.

"I know it upsets you and I'm sorry honey but Dylan and Thomas are on there way over here."

"It's alright thank you and what are they coming over here for?"

"To visit" I just nodded towards him

After a few Dylan just came bursting through the door yelling our names. Thomas followed behind shutting the door and entering the living room.

"Mate keep it down won't ya!" Shmuel yelled at him

"Why don't you keep it down crippled!" Dylan yelled back.

"Shut up or I'll shove my crutches up your ass!"

"I'll like it up the ass!"

"Oh my god both of you shut the fuck up and Dylan sit down!" Thomas yelled over both of them. And Dylan sat down next to Thomas.

"Good thank you. Now Shmuel how are you doing?" Thomas said.

"I'm alright I have to have these crutches for 4 to 6 weeks though so that's won't be so fun."

"Have you found anything out about who did this?" Dylan asked. Shmuel said yes and explained everything to them.

"Those bitches" said Dylan.

"I know and Shmuel wants to get back at them but I wanted to call the police but now I don't know which ones better" I said

"Well getting back at them would be better in my opinion because they deserve to get beaten." Said Dylan

"Well if we tell the police though they could get arrested." Said Thomas

"Yes but if we teach them a lesson they will know not to mess with us, we are people to no matter who we love." Dylan said. We all nodded and Shmuel told them the plan he had.

"That does sound good but yeah until he's out of crutches we need to figure out what we will do to them." Said Thomas

"Or we could just confront them?" I said

"Yeah we could go see why they still care." Thomas said

"Maybe but we need to have something else planned just in case." Shmuel said, we all just nodded to what he said. We stopped talking about the topic and all choose to watch a movie. It was starting to get dark and Dylan and Thomas left around 11. I helped Shmuel to the bedroom and got him into bed I kissed him on his head and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Hey Bruno?" Lisa said.


"When I leave tomorrow make sure he don't get himself to worked up over the whole situation he needs to rest and stay calm."

"I know I will I'm just scared because I do want to get back at them but calling the police might be better for our safety."

"Maybe talk it over with him a little more."

"I'll try but he's got his heart set on getting them back and I understand because they are the reason he got hurt but we shouldn't be like them we should confront them yes but not hurt because we are the bigger person."

"Yes I completely agree just tell Shmuel what you think and maybe he'll change his mind."

"I will tomorrow." I smiled at her.

"Okay sweetie well I'm gonna go back to my room and sleep, have sweet dreams." Lisa said and came over to kiss my forehead.

"Okay you too." I smiled as she walked back to her room.

I will try to convince him to just confront him for our safety because that's more important than revenge. I just hope he'll listen.

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