Chapter 1: We're Going All Out

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((Hope this is great! Thought I'd turn it into a full story! Will be keeping up with this! Vote. Comment. Thanks guys!))

Lights Poxleitner kept peeking out of the window as the plane got nearer and nearer to the ground. She was finally back in California after a long tour. A long six months away from her beautiful girlfriend, Juliet Simms. They had called every day and skyped every now and then but it just wasn’t enough. Lights had been missing her dearly and been a little worried about her. Juliet was dropped from her label while she was away and that meant no more music for a while. She hoped her band would get re-signed soon. She bit her lip, tapping her feet against the floor. She had all of her bags ready and was ready to go. As soon as the plane landed she’d be the first one off. She waited for the jolt of the plane’s wheels to hit the ground and almost stood as it slowed to a stop. Her heart was beating quickly and after a few announcements were made they could finally get off. Lights wasn’t playing around she ran off the plane before anyone else, the people watching her in confusion. I just miss my girlfriend! She thought as she walked over, through security and there she was, Juliet. She looked beautiful, her long blonde hair cascaded in waves around her face and she wore a pair of shorts and a tank top along with a plaid cardigan. Lights squealed dropping her bags as she ran up to her gorgeous girlfriend and leaped into her arms. Juliet laughed, wrapping her arms around her tight. Lights giggled, her legs wrapped around her waist. Juliet held her as their lips met and there were several ‘aww’s in the background. After a deep and passionate kiss, Lights finally hopped down and went to grab her belongings again. “I wasn’t expecting that.” Juliet said, smiling as she grabbed a few bags for her. “Sorry, I just missed you so much.” Lights smiled, a tear falling down her cheek. “It’s ok, babe. You’re here now and I’m not going anywhere.” She smiled, kissing her tear away and took her hand.

Lights was so happy to be back and back in her girlfriend’s arms again. They made their way to Juliet’s car and placed Lights suitcases in the back. Juliet slid into the front seat and Lights in the passenger seat. “So how was tour?”

“Oh it was wonderful in Europe, met lots of fans, lots of meet and greets. I lot of them told me how they thought we were the cutest couple ever.” Juliet smiled, turning down the road towards their apartment. “Aw, well that’s cute. I’m glad you had fun dear.”

“How was your time here?” Lights asked, looking over to her. Juliet shrugged, “Boring, missing you.” Juliet made a sad face, looking over to her for a few seconds. “I’ve been writing a few songs, I’d like to play for you.” She smiled again and Lights smiled back. “Sweet.” Lights hesitated wanting to ask about the band and a possible new signing. She did remember she said something about a surprise on the phone. “So what about..”

“And..” Juliet cut her off, smirking. Lights swallowed, blushing lightly. “Yes?”

“They’re most likely going to be on the new album.” Lights eyes widened, new album!?!?!

“New album?” Lights smiled brightly, biting her lip. Juliet began to laugh, “Hell yeah! We got signed!” Lights screamed happily, wanting to hug Juliet but refrained. “I’m so happy for you babe!” Light leaned over to at least kiss her cheek and Juliet smiled. “Thanks!”

“This calls for a celebration!”

“A nice dinner?” Juliet asked, turning into their apartment complex.

Lights giggled, “yes and maybe something afterwards.” She winked and Juliet grinned. Lights whooped as they finally parked in their driveway and got out. “Yeah! My future wife just got signed!!!!” She screamed and Juliet laughed, walking over to unlock the trunk and get her stuff out. “Future wife?” Juliet asked, grabbing a few suitcases. Lights nodded, getting the rest. “One day, babe.” She whispered and gave a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling back. They walked into their apartment happily. Hand in hand, things were going so well, what could go wrong?

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