Chapter 9: When All Is Said And Done

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Lights was willing to be fed by him, as sickening as that sounded to her but once he held a knife to her throat. She couldn't, pulling away again, that earned her another slap to the face.

He was gone for now and she hoped he didn't come back but as soon as the thought left her mind, there he was. He ran down the stairs, flicking on more lights now. The room came into view and she found she was in a basement. "The police are on to us babe, we have to get out of here." He rushed to untie her legs first and then her hands. She moved to run but he pulled her back. "Oh, no you don't" He laughed, "We're all over the fuckin news." He pushed her to the ground and tied her hands behind her back again, covering her mouth with some duct tape and stood her up. Grabbing a fist full of hair she screamed as he held a knife to her throat again, "walk." She did as she was told and walked up and out of the basement, finally seeing that light as they reached the hallway. He steered her in the right direction, out of the back door and to a car. He pushed her into the passenger seat and hurried to the driver's side, the police sirens getting louder. "Shit!" He yelled, as the car roared to life and he sped onto the road. He thought they were home free until a police car he hadn't noticed turned down a road and began trailing them. "Dammit." He jerked the wheel, screeching to a stop by a bridge. He pulled Lights from the car, by her hair again. Several police cars were surrounding them and his heart was racing as he held Lights close, the knife pressing hard against her throat. "We have you surrounded. Let her go." A policemen yelled into a megaphone. Beau and Lights watched as policemen poured from their cars with guns aimed at them. Lights was hyperventilating again as his hand tightened in her hair. A few ambulances were arriving as well. Lights watched as one police car stopped and Juliet walked out of one, along with Andy. She gasped, crying heavily now. She came for her.

"Let the girl go, now." The policemen yelled again. "NO! If I can't have her, nobody can." Beau turned to move then, trying to throw them both over the bridge when one gun went off, shooting him in the arm. The knife fell and Lights ran from him and over to Juliet. Beau tried his best to run after her but was shot again and soon tackled by another policemen and quickly handcuffed.

Juliet held Lights close and Lights snuggled into her arms. They both cried hard as Lights pulled back and Juliet pulled the tape from her mouth. "I thought I'd never see you again." She breathed and Juliet hugged her tight as the EMT's walked over, cutting Lights hands free. "I'm here now, you're alright." Juliet whispered, sniffling. Lights held Juliet's hand tight as the EMT's led her to the ambulance to check her out. Juliet frowned as she noticed, Lights' swollen eye and busted lip. She gritted her teeth, that bastard. "I don't understand, how could he.." Juliet trailed off and Lights shook her head. "It's fine, Love. I'm ok now." Lights smiled and Juliet smiled back. She had missed that so much.

Andy watched them reunite and missed it when that was them. He watched as Juliet kissed her hair and he looked away. He felt really bad this had happened though and wondered if Juliet would tell the police this was his fault.

An officer walked over to them then, questioning them. "The assailant says he knows, Andy Biersack and that he gave him her information?" Juliet looked back at Andy and then back at the officer. "Everybody 'knows' Andy. Andy would do no such thing, that guy's fucking insane." The officer nodded, "Alrighty ma'am. You know if you are withholding information you could go to jail ma'am." Juliet shook her head, "I'm not. I know Andy. He wouldn't do that to Lights." He nodded and walked away.

Andy walked over to her, raising his eyebrows. "Why did you do that?"

"I hate that you set this up, Andy but I don't hate you for this, ok? Last thing I want to see is you going to jail. I'd never ruin your life." Andy nodded, "Thanks, Jules." He whispered and Juliet nodded as Lights kissed her cheek.


It took everything in Juliet to leave and finish tour with Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides and her band. "Just go I'll be fine." Lights smiled, they had since moved from their previous apartment and Lights was now staying with Hannah until they found another one. "Hannah's helping me go apartment shopping, I'll find us a place before you get back." She smiled. Juliet nodded, "Send me pictures." She smiled and Lights nodded.

Juliet swallowed staring longingly at her Lightsy. "Hey.." Lights smiled softly, taking Juliet's hands in hers. "Everything's going to be alright, ok? I'll be fine." She smiled, wrapping her arms around her right and Juliet laced hers around her neck. "I love you." Juliet whispered, kissing her lips deeply. Lights smiled into the kiss, pulling back after a few moments. "I love you too." She closed her eyes, resting her forehead against hers. "So much." Juliet smiled, pulling back slowly, not wanting to let go. She sighed, heavily. Just a few more months, she told herself and waved as Lights stood there, smiling. She smiled back, she had missed her so much. Juliet turned then and walked back out to the cab, Andy was waiting in. "You good?" Andy gave her a thumbs up, she nodded but then heard a knock at her window and rolled it down. Lights lips connected with hers again for a moment as she kissed her deeply, holding her face close. She pulled back pecking her lips again and giggled. "Hurry back." She smiled at Juliet and waved at Andy before disappearing. Juliet blushed deeply turning to Andy, "A-all ready." Andy chuckled, turning away. "Alright, little love bird lets go rock on."

They arrived back at the next venue in Georgia, a cab dropped them off and they headed right to their buses. "Hey! How's Lights?" Ashley asked them as they walked up. They seemed to be taking their instruments and things into the place for sound check later. Juliet smiled, "Thankfully safe and sound now."

"That's great!" CC said, pulling Juliet into a tight hug. "Did they catch the shit that took her?" Jake asked, Andy nodded. "Yeah, he'll be doing time for a long ass while."

"Good." Andy noticed River walking out of the bus and he narrowed his eyes. Juliet ignored her, walking over to her own bus and helping her band out. She didn't even know why she was still here.

River had her arms folded across her chest as Andy followed behind her inside. He stopped her before she could enter the stage and pulled her over to the dressing room. "We need to talk." River held her hand up, "Save it, Biersack. I already called someone to come get me. We're finished." She disappeared into the dressing room, closing the door. Andy shrugged, he had planned on breaking up with her and actually thought he already did. Well she saved him the work anyway. He followed his bandmates onstage.

River played on her phone, writing an apology on her Instagram and twitter for taking Juliet's things. By now her snakey army and lights fans were chewing her out for attempting to sabotage the musician's life. She rolled her eyes, her friend texting her back saying he was outside. She sucked in a breath and grabbed her bag. Blinded by jealousy and hate for the happy couple and successful musicians she walked out of the venue in anger and tears. Mumbling curse words under her breath as she passed by Juliet. She walked up to her friend's car and got in, hoping she never ran into them again.


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