Chapter 7: A White Flag Drenched In Blood

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Lights sat at their counter, filling out a few Never Take It Off forms, they'd be introducing a few new pieces from her soon and needed her thoughts on the favored artist jewelry. She sighed, running a hand through her hair and trying to think of things she really liked. Maybe a sword, a rose necklace for Jules. She smiled at the thought. Deep in her mind she barely heard a door close from the backroom. Her phone went off suddenly and she grabbed it answering. "Morning, baby." Juliet's raspy voice came through the phone and her heart raced. "Hey, how are you today? Things going well?"

"Yes, for now. We're going to the Space Center here before show." Lights smiled, "Oh that's right you're in Florida today."

"Yes, my mom's watching the show today, I can't wait to see her. I miss her, though.. not as much as I miss my Lights." Lights blushed, "I miss you too babe. Just a few more months. I'm not going anywhere." Lights chuckled. "Text me, after show ok? I'm going to mail these NTIO forms today."

"Oh yay, new pieces. You know the fans love you." Lights smiled. "No, they love you."

"Oh Lightsy.." Juliet shook her head. "I'll talk to you later, babe."

"Alright, bye I love you."

"I love you too." Lights ended the call then and signed the end of the form. She slid down from the stool and walked into her recording room to grab an envelope. Her attention only focusing on opening the envelope and mind on her Juliet, she was unaware of the arms reaching out to grab her as she walked past the stairs. She tried to scream, struggling as they held her tight and a white cloth was placed over her nose and mouth. Lights heart raced, this is it. She thought, this is the end for me. She blinked lazily and soon she blacked out, falling into the person's arms.

Juliet tucked her phone away in her bag when Andy walked up to her, River not too far behind. "So how's Lights?"

"She's doing great, filling out a few ntio forms." Andy's eyes widened. "Oh, yeah. Those." Juliet rolled her eyes. "You forgot to do them before tour, huh?" Andy chuckled. "Yeah, sorry." She shrugged, "We'll just put your pieces out later then."

"What do you mean pieces?" River asked walking up to loop her arm through Andy's. "I have a jewelry company."

"Oh, yeah right. How do you get on it may I ask."

"Well first you have to be a musician." Juliet walked off, shaking her head. She didn't mean for it to come off wrong but she knew River wasn't going to have any ntio bracelets any time soon. Why would she promote a bitch like her?

River gritted her teeth. "I am." She mumbled and Andy rubbed her arm. "It's alright, babe. Maybe one day." He shrugged, knowing Juliet probably wouldn't ever put her on the site. Not with all the trouble she's caused.

Juliet lounged in the dressing room as Andy popped in, "Hey, we're going on." He waved and she waved back. "Have a good show." River held Andy's hand tight as she walked past among the rest of the band. Juliet wanted to like River but just couldn't find it in herself to give her anything. She turned to her phone sending a quick text to Lights as she got her earpieces ready. She waited, Lights usually texted right back. She furrowed her eyebrows. Lightsy? She sent again and nothing. She shrugged, guessing she was busy and went back to checking and updating her Instagram.

Time flew by quickly and soon BVB were entering the dressing room. "Alright, you're up, Jules." Andy smiled, crushing a water bottle in his hand, his hair caked onto his face with sweat. She smiled, "Thanks, Biersack." She left with her band and walked onto the stage and began playing trying not to worry about Lights. She knew she was probably writing a song or out exploring like she usually did on Weekends.

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