Chapter 4: Slow Down

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(((Sorry if it's short >~< working on chapter 5 soon!! Vote.Comment.Thanks!!)))

Andy looked over his new gf to view his ex. She sat close to CC, smiling down at her phone as CC reached to grab a few tissues for her. What was she crying about? Andy raised an eyebrow as he watched them. She took the tissue from him and dabbed at her eyes. Her eyes barely met his and he turned back to River smiling as she tugged him onto the dancefloor. Ugh, fuck. Andy didn’t normally do this. He put on a nice front, smirking for River and pulled her close as they danced. He wondered if Juliet was watching, did she see? Did she notice how great he was doing? Was this jealousy act working? Was that why she was crying? She was upset because Andy had moved on. Exactly, she wants him back. Andy smirked to himself as River began dancing on him. Soon their lips met, their first kiss together felt awkward not being his Juliet, his dragonfly.


Before they knew it their time was up and show was soon to start. They loaded onto the buses and headed over to the place. They had only a few hours left and people seemed to be standing outside already.

Juliet waited in her bus for them to set up, texting Lights to see how she was doing. She seemed to be doing ok, although a random number kept texting her. Juliet frowned it was probably a fan. Juliet heard a knock on her door and moved from her spot on the couch and walked over to open the door. It was Andy. She swallowed, “Hey, babe, I’ll call you back.” She said, ending her call with her fiancé.

Andy smiled slightly. “Hey, uh we’re almost done sound checking and then your turn.” He smiled and Juliet nodded. “Ok, thanks for letting me know.” Andy smirked, “It’s no problem.”

She turned to close the door and Andy stopped her. “Um, yeah?”

“Can we talk?” Juliet was confused why would he want to talk to her when he had River. Whatever. “Ok, sure.” She opened the door a bit wider for him and he walked inside, closing it behind him.

Juliet sat down on the couch and Andy sat next to her. Not too close but not too far away either.

“So what’s up?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to know how you’ve been.”

“I’ve been great, Lights and I have been fantastic. I mean her leaving for tour was horrible but I made it through.” She smiled up at him and he nodded. “Sweet.”

“What about you and River?”

“It’s been great.” Andy winked. “By the way, I hope you’re fine with her being on tour.”

Juliet nodded, “Of course.”

“Yeah, it seems you’ve moved on anyway, with her.”

Juliet nodded, folding her arms across her chest. “Why did you say it like that?”

Andy shrugged, lifting up his arms. “Hey, I’m just saying that she’s not good enough for you.. that’s all.”

Juliet rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth. “What are you talking about? Don’t you have River?”

“I do and she’s perfect.”

“Cool now go run back to her and stop insulting my future wife.”

“I’m trying to help you out, Dragonfly. I don’t want you settling down with the wrong person.”

Juliet groaned at that damned pet name. “And who’s right for me, you?!”

Eyes On You (Lights&Juliet Simms Fanfic) (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now