Chapter 6: How Long Until I See You Again

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((Finally getting back to this, sorry its been so long guys!))

Lights placed her suitcase in a decent place in Hannah's spare room and opened another bag full of a few things Juliet had given her. She placed a framed picture of them on her side table. She smiled softly at the photo and reached to take out a book which held the first rose Juliet had ever given her, she barely heard Hannah knock lightly on the open door. "Hey, I called the police." Lights turned to face her, listening. "They're looking into it but can't seem to find much evidence." Hannah rolled her eyes. "Mrs. Monroe said she'd keep an eye on it for you." Lights nodded thinking about the little old lady fighting off another break-in. She smiled, knowing she'd do just that. She loved Juliet and Lights. "Thanks so much, Hannah, for everything." Hannah shook her head, "It's no problem, Lights. You know none of us could stand it if anything happened to you." Lights smiled. "Well, I'll leave you to get some sleep." Lights nodded and moved to grab her pajamas, a pair of underwear and her toiletries for a shower. She walked into the bathroom taking her phone with her and texted Juliet praying she was awake.

Juliet rubbed her eyes looking at the time on her phone. It was about 3am and her phone was going off. She smiled as she saw a text from Lights. She pressed the call button in need of hearing her voice. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Hey, what's up, Hon?"

"Oh nothing really, babe. I'm staying the night at Hannah's. There was.." She sighed and sucked in a breath. "A break-in." Juliet's eyes widened. "Oh my god are you alright?" She sat up in her bunk now but knew she couldn't do anything right now. She was on tour and they were on their way to the next city. "I'm fine, it happened while I was out. Another random gift from that anonymous fan..." Juliet frowned, feeling bad she just laughed it off before. She didn't think it was that seriously but this proved otherwise. "I'm so sorry, Lightsy. I wish I was there.."

"It's not your fault, Juliet." Lights laughed softly. "I'm fine and Mrs. Monroe is watching over the apartment. Hannah had called the police, they said they couldn't find much evidence." Juliet rolled her eyes. "Well you just stay there, alright. Stay safe baby.. until I come home." Lights nodded, "I will. I miss you so much." Juliet sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "I miss you too hon, get some sleep ok? We'll talk later. I love you."

"I love you too, Juliet."

The call ended and Juliet laid back in her bunk closing her eyes. She wished she was there, she couldn't imagine what she'd do if something happened to her Lightsy.

She turned over, placing her phone back under her pillow and drifted off to sleep again. Dreams of Lights, burglars and an evil River plagued her mind.

They had arrived in Texas now and Juliet got dressed for the heat as they stopped at an IHOP for breakfast. She walked out with her band and was surprised not to see BVB with them. "Hey, where's Black Veil Brides?" She asked her brother. "I think they stopped somewhere else." He shrugged and she followed them inside. Funny she would have thought Andy wanted to be close to her as possible.

Breakfast went on well and Juliet was actually glad Andy's wasn't there to watch her and River wasn't giving her the evil eye. She got up and left with her bandmates. "Where to now Jules? We have several hours before show." Juliet smiled, thinking there were a few things she wanted to do in Texas. They visited the Museum of Fine Arts and also hit up the Space Center where she actually learned a few things. They stopped for lunch at a steakhouse and still no sign of BVB. She hoped they made it to the show alright, she was getting a little worried but hated to admit it.

8AM and they made it to the venue, Black Veil Brides were already backstage getting ready to go on. Andy waved to Juliet and River sat beside him, on her phone as usual. Juliet waved back. "Hey, where were you guys all day?"

"Miss us?" CC asked, smiling. Juliet laughed lightly, and shrugged. "Oh we caught breakfast somewhere and then did a signing, explored a little." Andy said and Juliet nodded. "Hey we're on guys." Jinxx said and Andy nodded, "See you in a few, Jules." Juliet moved aside so they could go onstage and watched as River followed them out. She didn't even acknowledge her and Andy normal. Maybe they're finally giving her some space and leaving her relationship alone.

Andy didn't know what to do anymore, Juliet wasn't fazed by River in the slightest now that she opened her fucking mouth. His plan was falling apart but oh he forgot about the fan he gave Lights information to. Hmm, he wondered how that was going. But sighed, he didn't want to hurt Lights and hurting Lights would hurt Juliet. Maybe he should call the whole thing off. Right, he'd text that guy right after show tonight. He took the mic and smiled back at his band. "You motherfuckers ready to rock?" He spoke and his band started to play.

River only looked up when Andy addressed the crowd, she smiled began head-banging along with the song. She loved Stolen Omen. Things seemed to be looking up for her. No more Juliet messing with her or Andy. She was glad they didn't hang out with her band. She more than hated Juliet now. She could have Lights, as long as she got to keep Andy. She got up to dance along with the next song and rocked rather hard that night.

After finishing up her song Mystified dedicated to Lights she went into an acoustic version of her song Not Broken Yet FT. Lights she only wished Lights was there to sing it with her. She sung her part and Lights part was played over the speakers. The crowd cheered and awwh'd as her tiny high-pitch voice was played. Juliet giggled and shed a small tear as she continued singing along with Lights voice.

She and her band bowed as it came to a close and she walked off stage happily. She didn't expect to see Andy and Ashley and River still in the back, she wondered where the rest of their band went. Juliet stopped in her tracks as Andy walked up to face her. He looked back at River and Ash and they left the room. "We'll be in the bus, Juliet." Tommy called and Juliet nodded as they grabbed her stuff. "What do you want?" Juliet asked, grabbed her phone and bag. "To say, I'm sorry." Andy sighed, "I went about this the wrong way.. I just honestly miss you, Dragonfly and made a huge mistake with River. Although I'm hoping to fix things with her. Anyway, I'm here to make a truce and settle this now before we end up dreading the rest of tour with each other." He smiled lightly and Juliet nodded, smiling a little herself. He offered his hand and Juliet nodded, "Alright, truce."

"Oh, so Andy basically made your life hell there on purpose?" Lights asked, she was on a shopping trip with Hannah and her fiancé Oli. "Yep but I forgave him." Juliet shrugged. "Well that's good. I just hope he didn't have anything to do with this crazy fan on my ass."

"I don't think Andy would do that.. River, maybe." Juliet and Lights both nodded, she seemed jealous enough to make their lives hell too. "Well, things can only get better from here." Lights said. "No more crazy fan gifts?" Lights shook her head, "They can't find me right now, but its only been the first day here. I'm sure they'll show up sometime." Juliet sighed, "I hope not. Well I gotta go, babe."

"Alright, I love you, Juju." Juliet smiled, "I love you too."

Lights ended the call and continued to follow Hannah into random stores, a few bags on her arm. She slid her phone into one of them. Life was getting back to normal now, Mrs. Monroe said the police finished up as there was still no evidence except the note and a broken window. But nothing else she they couldn't do much. Lights was pissed at that and wanted the police to do more. Maybe as things got better she could go back home.


Tour went by better than ever and Automatic Loveletter and Black Veil Brides were getting along great. Andy was trying to fix things with River and managed to get through to her a little but she was still stubborn as ever. Juliet was also doing well and hung out with the band quite a lot despite River's pleas to Andy about her.

Lights continued to live with Hannah for about a week before moving back to her own apartment. After checking it out for herself this time, she ordered a new window and had it replaced. Everything seemed pretty chill in their neighborhood for now. Lights just missed her Juliet more than ever.


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