Chapter 8: Save Her From Despair

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Lights blinked several times before anything actually came into her vision. Her head swayed a bit as the drug wore off. She was tied to a chair, her hands bound behind her and her legs tied to the chairs legs. It was dark wherever she was and only a small light was on a few feet from her. Her heart was racing as she tried to make anything out using the dim light. A door slammed closed and she turned to it, afraid. She closed her eyes in fear, where was she? Who had taken her? Inside she was going crazy with anxiety. "Hello, Lights." A voice said and she opened her eyes again, a man stood before, maybe no older than her. She would have thought he was attractive if she wasn't so scared. He had shaggy hair and wore a pair of shorts and a shirt. His smirk wasn't very friendly and he looked down at her like she was a piece of meat. "Who are you?" She whispered. "Why, I'm Beau Bokan, your biggest fan of course." He winked. "I hope you liked my flowers and my letters.. the chocolates.?" He raised an eyebrow, "I noticed you threw away. I could have sworn chocolate was a girls bestfriend.."

"It's diamonds." He narrowed his eyes at her when she spoke. "Yes, diamonds! Something I wasn't able to give you..... because someone stole my chance." He snapped, glaring down at her. She tried her best to sink back in her chair but it didn't work too well. "You never gave me a chance, Lights." He shook his head as he began pacing around her. "How dare you marry someone without my permission."

"I don't need your fucking permission to do anything." His hand whipped across her face. "You will speak when I ask you to." He growled, turning from her. "Now where was I?" Lights gritted her teeth, wanting to rub her cheek. That felt terrible and brought tears to her eyes and she silently started breaking down. She just wanted to go home to be reunited with Juliet. She sniffled, opening her eyes, she probably didn't even know she was gone..

"Now, now, Lightsy. Please don't cry.." He turned back to her seeming apologetic. Lights didn't understand, this guy was insane. "This won't last long, babe. Just pay attention and this will end quickly." She gasped as she finally noticed he had a long knife in his hand. Running his hand along the blade, he gasped himself as it cut him slightly. "Fuck." He rolled his eyes then and turned towards the door. "I'll be back, Love. Don't go anywhere." He smiled at her and walked off. Lights heart was pounding and she began hyperventilating, she didn't want to die. She began crying again, hoping someone noticed she was taken.

"What do you mean, Andy?" Juliet furrowed her eyebrows. What did he mean it was his fault? Andy couldn't have taken her.. he's right fucking here. "I.. gave that crazy fan, Lights contact information. I just wanted you back, Jules.." He whispered. Juliet's mouth hung open as her eyes teared up and soon her hand whipped across his face. Andy nodded, "I deserved that.."

"And so much more! Andy how could you!!" She screamed now, tears streaming down her cheeks. By now everyone in the back was watching them. "I'm so sorry, Juliet. I would have never done this.. I never wanted to hurt you." Juliet stood up and searched for another seat, ignoring the flight attendant when she was told to sit down. "I have to sit somewhere else." She walked up the aisle then, leaving him alone.

Andy sighed, they'd have to leave together though but things definitely would be the same. They never would be. He wondered if she might call a cab. He watched as she was on the phone now, whispering loudly. Shit.

The door opened a few hours later and by then Lights was famished, she had been down there since the late morning. He slammed it closed and it startled her. "Wakey, wakey, sweetheart." He smiled, holding a plate of something in his hands. "Aren't you glad I bought you food? I wouldn't let my woman starve, baby." He smirked, holding it up to her and she turned her head away. He rolled his eyes, grabbing her by her chin. "I could be mean and just leave you down here you fucking bitch." Lights tore away from him and he dropped the plate into her lap. "Here." He smirked. "Feed yourself.." Lights gasped as he walked back up the stairs. There was no way she'd be eating with her hands tied. She looked down at the food now, nothing special really. Just a TV dinner but food nonetheless. She sighed, it actually smelled good. She didn't want to ask for help but couldn't help it. "Hey!" She called, the door opened almost immediately. "Yes, love?"

"Um.. I could use some help.." She mumbled, rolling her eyes. "No, you obviously didn't want the food when you pulled away, we'll try again tomorrow, honey." The door slammed closed again and she sighed. He was going to make her life hell.

Lights found it hard to sleep on an empty stomach and in an uncomfortable wooden chair, staying up most of the night but finally getting a little sleep. Her dreams were filled with food, a lovely dinner with Juliet but turned dark when she realized they were eating blades instead of actual meat. She tried to stop Juliet but failed as she watched her scream and begin coughing up blood. She gasped awake, in the dark of the room she was confined in. Somehow the food from last night was on the floor and she was actually happy. It probably didn't taste that good anyway.

She stayed awake, her mind trying to stay at least a little positive while down there. She thought about Juliet's new album, All or Nothing playing over and over in her mind. The door finally opened and Lights prayed he brought food with him. He walked down the knife still in his hand and with a grin on his face. Lights frowned. "How is my Lightsy today?" She just stared at him and only mumbled a simple fine, afraid he'd deny her food if she didn't speak. "Good, hungry, aren't we?" Lights nodded and he smiled. "I'll get you some breakfast, beautiful." He moved to pick up the spilled food and Lights saw her chance. If only she could knee him in the face or something, if only she wasn't tied up, she could make a run for it. But no, her legs budged a little but not much. He walked away with the uneaten food and closed the door again, leaving Lights to wonder what breakfast she'd be given.

Juliet and Andy finally made it to LA the next day, tired and aching, Juliet stirred when Andy poked her awake. She glared at him and rushed past him and off the bus. They didn't have any luggage and just walked through security. Andy followed her meeting her at the sidewalk. "Did you call a cab?" She asked, watching the many cars pass by. "No, I thought that's what you were doing?"

"No, I called Hannah to tell her what a little shit you'd been to me and now Lights." She almost started crying again, remembering Lights wouldn't be at the apartment if they went there. Andy took out his phone then and called a cab. It arrived in no time and finally, they were on their way to the police station. "Hurry, please." Juliet commanded and took out a few dollars to pay him. Andy shook his head and took out his wallet. Juliet didn't protest and let him pay. He owed her way more than that.

When they arrive, Hannah was there with her fiancé. Juliet didn't wait for it to park and just hopped out of the car. She hugged Hannah tight. "Oh, Juliet, I didn't know you were coming home so early." She nodded, "I need to find Lights. Are the police doing anything?" Hannah shook her head, "They said they were on it but.." Hannah shrugged and Juliet gritted her teeth, rushing into the station. Andy, Hannah and Oliver followed her inside. Andy rushed over to her side, making sure she didn't do anything crazy. "Why the fuck haven't you started looking for my fiancée?" She asked the policemen at the front. "Uh, Officer Jack is handling your fiancée's case Ms. Simms." He pointed to a man sitting in a conference room talking to other officers. Juliet ran over to the door and Andy raced after her. "Juliet.."

She pulled the door open. "Why haven't you found fiancée?!" She screamed, the three men in uniform turned to her. "And what's your fiancée's name ma'am?"

"Lights Poxleitner."

"Ah, yes, you must be Juliet. We've actually just got a lead on her whereabouts, Ms. Simms."

"Really?" Hannah asked, "Because you weren't doing shit a few minutes ago."

Oliver held her close. "Calm down, babe."

"Are you going to go find her now?" Andy asked, pulling Juliet back some. "Yes, sir we are, Mr. Biersack. Only a few of you can go though." Juliet gasped, "Please, let me go."

"I'll go with her." Andy offered, hoping Juliet didn't decide against it. "Alright, Brody get them some bullet proof vests." Office Jack said and they exited the room. Hannah and Oli chose to stay and wait. After Juliet and Andy suited up they were hurried into a police car and followed a squadron of cars going to the address the police found. They were informed of the assailant's name and that he had a criminal history. He was also known for having obsessive relationships with certain celebrities in the past. "There's no guarantee, we'll find her here, Ms. Simms. But we're hoping she'll be at his house and that he's here as well." Juliet nodded, hoping they were here.


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