Dropship rides

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The next morning we all boarded 5ups dropship and I felt it lift off the ground.

Fundy stood at the computer in the middle and was tracking something with Quietfox standing next to him. I saw Fundy talking her through what he was doing and smiled.

Dumbdog was standing next to a crate and was talking with Saltycat. I could tell by Saltycats expression that the conversation was about training. His eyes had a light he only got when he was excited.

Waywind and Hafu were sitting on the floor next to the seats. Hafu was telling her something and she was listening. I could assume it was past missions. Waywind always likes those stories.

My thoughts travels to our missing teammates. Bluebody and Toast. Where were they? And were they hurt?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched. I looked over and saw 5up standing next to me. He signaled me to sit next to him.

"You're worried about them aren't you?" He asked as I sat next to him. "That's what I thought. But there's something else isn't there?"

"Yeah. Bluebody was acting weird the last few days. It bothered me but I guess it didn't really stick," I said and he nodded.

"Can I tell you a story?" He asked. I nodded for him to continue and he took off his helmet. A scar ran down his eye and I looked shocked.

"5-5up?" I asked and he met my eyes.

"I don't take my mask off for a reason. This scar being it. XQc gave me this a few years back. When I was first on his squad," he told me. I looked at him but couldn't stop looking at the scar.

"Can you see out of it?"

"My eye? Yeah. A surgery fixed what needed to be fixed and I'm fine. It was the moment I realized that I needed to leave the squad and I joined Hafus," he said.

"Why does the public not know about this? I always thought it was because Hafu was your sister,"

"That's part of the reason. But as much as xQc is a bad guy nobody needs the bad publicity. Considering all the good things he had done,"

"That makes sense I guess,"

"I was talking to Train the other day. You know what he said about your squad?"

"That we keep getting into trouble? That we are problematic? That we are-"

"Yes but he also said something that I think everyone here would agree with. Despite you being new, you guys are smart. You make an excellent squad and you guys are braver than some of the older squads," he said. I looked at him and tilted my head.


"Yeah," We sat in silence for a moment before Quietfox came over.

"We're about to land. Buckle in," she told us. I watched as everyone buckled in and prepared to land.

The landing was rather rough but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. When it stopped moving we all left our seats and walked to the dropship doors.

The lowered themselves and I was faced with a purple planet with a light layer of snow.

"Put your helmets on," Hafu instructed and left the ship. We all followed orders and walked into the snow. "Welcome to Planet Polus," she said

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