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It wasn't as easy as anyone would think it to be. I slept on my documents and woke up on them.  As early as 6am I was at the office already figuring alot of things.

I picked up my phone to check the time and when I found out it was already  10:37am my mouth dropped open.
I was so engrossed I didn't know when time had journeyed this far.

I turned to my left and grabbed the telephone..

"Can you make it to my office right now? Thank you"

In less than two minutes,  Janet made her way into my office.

"You asked for me Ma'am"

"Yes. I need to step out for a while" I replied packing a few documents into a brief case.  "Can you please cancel my meetings for this afternoon?

"Okay,  sure. Is there any problem?she enquired

"No,  Thank you"

I got the briefcase, my hand bag and my car key from the desk and proceeded to the door.

"Ouch,  sorry"

"Ouch" I said simultaneously

"Dude don't tell me this case has taken your eyesight" Jacinta said bending to pick her bag that fell when we collided.

I breathed out and rested my back on the wall for support.

"You look drained"


"Where to?

"The police station and then the roof top. I need to get a few questions answered by whoever called the police"

"Alright.  Text me if you need anything"

* * * *
"The Meeting was successful,  they are still running a few investigations on the issue.  I'm also doing my best to get you on the clean side"

"So... when will I be released?

"Are you listening to yourself??  This is a murder Case for crying out loud. You're going to court" I replied bluntly.  "well,  you're Innocent until proven guilty"

"Oh.. " he replied disappointed at the information.

"I'll try my best to get you out of here but.. "

"but what, babe? He interrupted

"But you'll have to play a role.  Tell me everything about Princess's case, Everything single thing you know. I'm filing a case against Chief Emeshile and I obviously want the truth"

"But Felicia..

"Don't but me.  That's the only way I'd take up this case with everything in me.  Help me,  I help you"

He sighed and gave a nod.  He was literally ready to do anything to get his self out.

"I'm really sorry Felicia.. "

"I don't have time for this.  Start already"

"Caleb raped her alongside his friends that I don't know.  Roger set her up and took her to the party that night.  He also watched out for them alongside Emeka. They both knew what was happening in that room.  Roger provided the Rophypnol that was used to tranquilize her but I guess they overdosed her" he said and paused.    "The boys admitted the truth to Chief after so many persuasions and Chief took up the matter.  He had the Inspector working for him and so, every information from Princess's case got to him including the recording.  He threatened he could turn tables and make Emeka and I pay for the crime since he had the power and so he asked me to destroy the evidence.  I'm sorry Felicia.. I was the one who destroyed the evidence-"

By this time, my emotions had failed me.
Tears rolled down my cheeks at the truth being laid in my front.

"He also instructed me not to show up on the day of trial.  He sponsored my education up till I graduated and got me a job because I kept to my agreement. I'm so sorry  Felicia
I know I fucked up but I'm sorry"


"Please don't let this open up old wounds"

"Oh really? Damn.  I believed you only knew something. I never imagined you could have been involved in this whole thing. Jesus.  Really Phil?  Really?  I said amidst tears.

"Felicia you know I love you"

"Love Wasn't The Crime Philip!  To hell with your love!  I blasted

"I'm really sorry Felicia..  Please forgive me" he sobbed

I wiped my tears.

"Like I said Mr Anidugbe Philip,  I'm filing a case against Chief Emeshile and I now have an evidence" I said raising the recorder. And the best you can do is to show up as his accomplice, Testify just like you have here and plead guilty to your stated offences to have a lesser punishment. And For this case,  I'll handle it. Have a nice day"

* * * *
By the time I got to my next destination, My eyes was swollen and my face pale.  I powdered my face and used a lip gloss before stepping out of my car.

"Thank you very much for letting me in" I said and entered the hotel room.  "I'm Barrister Felicia Nyemike. And I'm just going to ask a few questions pertaining to the incident that happened.  I learnt you are the one who was a witness to the casualty and the one who called the police.

"Yes I am.  Mike Jibunor" he said and took a bottle of water.

"Could you brief me on exactly what you saw that day?

"Well,  the way this building was designed,  From my room here I can see whatever is happening at that end. So that faithful morning,  towards 11am I saw these guys arguing. Two of them kept exchanging words and the third guy tried calming them. When they calmed down for a while, he excused himself to go and get drinks or something.  So at that point,  One of the guys made a statement and it triggered the other guy who landed him a blow on his eyes. They kept fighting for a while before the second guy who received the blow on his eye picked up a gun and shot the First guy" he narrated

"Okay...  Can you repeat that last line so I could write?  I asked with my pen on my paper.

"Sure" he affirmed.  "They kept fighting for a while before the second guy who received the blow on his eye picked a gun and shot the first guy"

"Okay, gotten.  Please continue"

"So,  when the Guy saw the other one died on the spot,  he quickly got on his phone calling someone.  That was when I quickly had to go and call 911. On arrival,  two bodies were found dead with that guy who shot the other one and another one that I didn't see at first" he concluded.

"So Mr Mike,  you are trying to say you saw him Shoot the deceased.  Yes?


"Do you know the face of the person who did?

"I guess I would be able to recall if I see a picture or something" he said

"Okay.  Here,  take a look at this picture and point out who pulled the trigger"

"This one did" he said pointing at Roger

"This was the one who tried to calm them" he said pointing at Emeka.

"How about this young man?

"No he wasn't there during the killings.  I guess he arrived when That young man had done the killing"

"oh,  so you believe This man, Roger killed them both?

"Yes,  I believe so"

"And this young man wasn't there until the death of both men?  I asked again

"Yes Barrister"

"Alright.  Thank you very much for your time"

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