please don't brutally murder me

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*shuffles in awkwardly* *goes up to podium* *taps microphone* *wringes hands nervously* *clears throat* *loud microphone screeching* *winces* Okay, so. . . I'm just going to throw this out there right now and explain later. Uhm. I'm sort of discontinuing this fic ??? *covers face to sheild self from onslaught of disbelief* I feel really bad, like I'm letting you guys down or something ??? I kept getting these SUPER nice comments while I was making this decision and I actually slammed my head against my pillow repeatedly whilest whisper-screaming, "YOU'RE. NOT. MAKING. THIS. ANY. EASIER. YOU. LITTLE. *unintelligible guilty Ashley noises*" you people are so nice and supportive it makes me feel like a selfish [Dan Howel voice] twat.   Anywho, I just don't... connect with this story anymore ??? I kind of feel pressured to update (not because of you guys Ily) and it's just not fun to write anymore... so yeah. I'm really super sorry! I can't apologize enough. I've been thinking about this for a really long time but I just barely made this decision, I was going to do two more chapters but I would have to force my way through them and I just don't want to do that... I'm so so so so sorry guys. I am currently working on two Solangelo AUs!! I'm not going to tell you anything beyond that but I'm working to make them really good so it'll probably be a while until I publish either of them but I'll tell you guys when I do. Also, I'll keep updating Novum Domum if you haven't read that, it's a HoO AU where Leo creates this underground home for runaways and yeah, anyway there's going to be Solangelo and Caleo in that so ch'yeah. *mutters sorry over and over as I run away*

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