Putting A Not-So-Original Plan Into Action. . . Kind Of

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This chapter kind of (really) sucks, sorry

Chapter XIII







Carter sat at the head of the table, feeling mildly important. He was currently leading a meeting whose soul purpose was putting the broken peices of a perfect relationship back together and at which he was going to present his plan.

The meeting's attendance consisted of the entirety of the Hephaestus and Apollo cabins, a few random, assorted campers, and Calypso. They hadn't invited the Seven because Piper still didn't know and if she wasn't invited to something and the others were it wouldn't end well for anyone.

They were currently discussing all of their failed attempts to talk the pair into talking to each other. Apparently Leo was the only one who had been able to talk to Nico and the Apollo cabin had convinced Will to come out of the cabin. He was at least participating in his normal activities, but he had yet to smile.

Carter noticed Leo tapping his fingers against the table nervously, Calypso reached over and squeezed them gently, giving him a smile, he returned the smile weakly. 

Carter looked at everyone, "Okay, guys. Any thoughts before I present the plan?"

A girl with short, auburn hair cleared her throat awkwardly. "Well. . . I think we should let them work it out themselves, I mean, what if they realize they're not right for eachother?"

Carter stared at her disbelievingly, "Not right for each other?"

She shifted uncomfortably, "Well, yeah. . . I mean--"

Carter stood up, "Not right for each other?"

The girl's eyes widened and she made a small squeeking noise.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave the meeting." Carter said dangerously.

"Carter." Andy said, taking his arm, "Leave her alone."

A/N: Andy is Carter and Will's sister, she was mentioned a couple of times before

Carter turned to her exasperated, "But she's hating on my OTP, Andy!" He protested.

"Let it go." she said slowly. Carter opened his mouth to say something and she fixed him with a glare. He huffed out a defeated breath and plopped back down into his seat.

"Okay. . ." Leo said, steepling his fingers. "Now, it may very well turn out that Nico and Will don't want to be together," Everyone in the room looked horrified by this statement (especially Carter, who looked a lot like a kicked puppy) except the girl and a few others. "And that would be terrible for all of us," he continued carefully, "but if that is the case, then we'd have to respect their decision. As of right now, we have no intention of letting that happen."

An audible sigh of relief swept around the room and Leo grinned broadly. "Now, it's time to get down to business."

He looked over at Carter, who stood up and pulled a blue sheet off of an easle. Instead of displaying art, it had several sheets of cardstock propped up on it, the one in front had "Operation Solangelo Jr." written in large letters with, "Plan B" written in smaller letters below that. Carter thought he heard someone say something about that being a really lame name, but he decided to ignore them.

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