Operation V.P.O.A.

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Chapter IX




Leo stood behind Calypso, in front of them was the newly-made Atlas cabin. It was covered by a huge white sheet, put in place by Happy The Dragon himself. Festus was currently sitting on top of the structure, waiting for his cue to rip it back off.


Festus gripped the fabric in his huge talons and soared upward, revealing the cabin.

Calypso gasped, "Oh my gods, it's amazing."

She started walking around the perimeter, with Leo trailing after her, grinning stupidly at her awed expression.

It was made of white marble that shimmered with a bluish silver hue. Two thick corinthian pillars held up the roof that hung over the porch, vines that flourished with beautiful purple flowers twisted up them. Over the door, a  3D mosiac of the globe was half-buried in the roof and turned slowly, showing all of the continents.

The sides of the building displayed clouds drifting lazily across the walls. A huge skylight dominated the roof; simple, yet somehow elaborate etchings covered the glass.

They came back around to the front of the cabin.  "You want to see the inside?"

"What do you think?"

"Then let's get a move on, Sunshine." He grabbed her hand and led her up the steps and into the cabin.

The etchings on the glass above cast a beautiful design over everything. The floor was carpeted in plush white while the blankets on the bunks were silver. Everything was accented with blue and green.

"So, what do you think?" Leo asked, nervously.

Calypso threw her arms around him with such force that Leo stumbled backward before grabbing a bunk for balance.

"I LOVE IT!" She yelled.

Leo felt as if the weight of the world was being lifted off of his shoulders, which was ironic since he'd spent the past week vigorously working on a cabin built for a god's children who really did hold the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Oh thank the gods." Leo breathed.

Calypso laughed, "You thought I would hate it?"

"I never said that," he pulled her out of the cabin and onto the porch. Everyone who had helped with his project stood outside. "SHE LOVES IT!" He yelled, holding up her hand like she'd just won a boxing match. They all burst into cheers.

"I think this calls for a party." Leo said, "Hephaestus style."

* * * * *

Leo was walking around camp, stealthily telling people about his plan, when he saw Will Solace walking away from the Apollo cabin, looking quite proud of himself.


Will turned and raised an eyebrow at him, and Leo jogged over, "Want to come to a party tonight?"

"There aren't any parties scheduled. . ."

"Now there is." Leo said, grinning.

"But we're not aloud to have parties. . ." Will looked desperately confused.

"The Hephaestus cabin has parties all of the time. We're a lot smarter than we look." He tapped his forehead, then leaned in and whispered, "We hold them in the dead of night."

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