A Choice

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Chapter VII





Nico smiled shyly as he watched Will, he knew that there were other people around and that they could notice, but he didn't really care. There was something beautiful about watching a person when they didn't know they were being watched, when they weren't on their best behavior for you or acting a certain way.

He was sitting alone at the Hades table, as usual, at dinner. He'd been working up the courage to ask Will if he could sit with him when he'd started noticing tiny little things that he hadn't before. He hadn't meant to start staring, but that's what had happened.

Will smiled as he told a joke, it was apparently really funny because all of the Apollo kids cracked up. Nico blushed as he remembered that they all knew about their relationship, which was part of the reason he didn't want to go over there.

They all openly thought that him and Will were "an adorable couple" and there was this group of them that freaked out every time they were even near each other, it was actually scary.

He sighed and stabbed his mashed potatoes.

"Hey, don't take it out on the potatoes, dude."

Nico's eyes widened and he jerked up. Crap.

He turned around, trying to act casual. "Need something, Leo?"

"Actually, yeah." Leo slid into the seat next to him.

Nico stared at him.

"Hey, look, I know I've never really talked to you before, and I'm sorry, but I just thought that you should know. . . uhm. . ." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Well I know about you and Will a-"

"Wait, WHAT?! How? Did Jason tell you?"

"Woah, wait, Jason knows?"

"And the entire Apollo cabin." Nico muttered, "But how did you find out?"

Leo looked like he'd rather be anywhere else, "I know how it sounds, but just hear me out, okay?" Nico considered him doubtfully, but nodded. Leo sighed with relief. "I was taking Callie to the infirmary because she got a bad cut on her arm-- she's Mortal, now, by the way-- and I saw you and Will, only forehead touching stuff, anyway, I pushed her out before she saw anything and made up some story about wanting to take care of her and blah, blah, blah, point is, if you need to talk to someone. . . Uhm, I guess you could talk to me. I'm not really usually a touchy feely person. . .  But, I don't know. I'm just trying to say that I support you and I'll keep your secret." He drew in a breath and waited for Nico to reply.

Nico blinked, "You. . . And. . . You're. . ."

He couldn't wrap his head around the fact the Leo Valdez knew about his relationship and was actually being serious and supportive.

"Is this a joke?"

Leo looked genuinely hurt. "No, of course not! I know I crack stupid jokes all the time, but I'd never do something like that."

"Okay. . . Well, thanks Leo." Calypso was looking at them with a very confused expression on her face. "Your girlfriend is waiting." He jutted his chin towards her.

Leo grinned, "See you around, dude."

He slid off the seat and walked back towards the daughter of Atlas.

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