Different. . .

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Chapter XIV





Nico shifted awkwardly, staring at the ground, "Uhm, well. . ." He gulped, Shoot. She's going to think I'm an idiot. I am an idiot. "I just. . . I  was. . . I was afraid."

Hazel looked confused, "Of what?"

"I was afraid of everyone knowing. .  . I know that's stupid. . . I thought I was ready, I mean, Jason knew a-and Percy and  Annabeth. . . Reyna, Coach Hedge. . . But, I don't know." He covered his face in his hands. "I don't want to be different, Hazel."

"Oh, Nico." She said sympathetically. He felt warm arms wrap around him, "You don't have to be afraid."

He let out a breathy sigh, shaking his head. "I really do like Will." He muttered, "But now he hates me. He won't want me back, and I don't blame him. I'm a coward."  He stepped back, looking utterly defeated.


He shook his head, "It's okay, you don't have to try and make me feel better."

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, and Will would be an idiot not to want you--"

He was beginning to feel a little light headed. "Can we talk about this later. . . I haven't eaten in a while and the Shadowtraveling. . ." His vision was beginning to go black around the edges. Note to self: Don't Shadow Jump on an empty stomach. . .

That was the last thing he thought before he crumpled to the ground in a heap of black clothing and pale olive skin.

* * * * *

The next thing he knew, he was in his bed in the barracks. At first he thought the pounding resonating through the space was in his head and then he realized it was coming from the door.

Nico pulled himself out of bed, instantly feeling dizzy, "I'm coming." He said sleepily, stumbling towards the door. The person outside stopped knocking and he opened the door, blinking against the sudden brightness. A wave of emotions crashed over him, he immediately forgot about his parcarious physical state. It was like he was standing in the middle of the ocean, being battered ceaselessly with with huge tidal waves. Every time he felt he was about to get his bearings, a new one would plow him over and take the breath right out of his lungs, leaving him completely disoriented.

It was like he was just arriving home after a long journey and now that he was back he wanted to burst through the doors shouting for joy and the only thing keeping him outside was the unexplainable fear that the people living inside wouldn't want him back. So he stood, his heart stuttering and leaping and his stomach tying itself into knots and his throat closing up, on the front lawn, feeling completely and utterly hopeless.

He tried to say something but all that came out was a choked sort of noise.

"Nico?" Will's voice was quiet and worried. His luminous blue eyes were clouded with pain, and his blonde hair fell in reckless waves around his face, it was tangled and stuck up at odd angles, making Nico want to reach out and smooth it down. He looked beautiful standing there, the early morning sun cascading down on him, the wind stirring his hair. He was beautiful, beautiful and broken.

"Will." Nico whispered, like if he spoke to loudly Will might disappear. "H-how'd you find me?"

"I guessed." He shrugged, the movement seemed to take all of hus energy, but somehow it still looked graceful, "It seemed like the most likely option."

Heart Beat (Willco/Solangelo & Caleo)Where stories live. Discover now