NOTHING HAPPENED (you freaking retards, ugh siblings)

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*gasp of shock* OH MY GODS SHE ACTUALLY UPDATED! I spent forever trying to come up with something for a Caleo chapter but I couldn't and I really wanted to write this... so yeah... 2 Solangelo chappies I'm a row! :-D GAH IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO WRITE THIS I'M SORRY! I finally just gave up on the scene that was giving me problems... [Dan Howl Voice] the call of the the void, I know, I'm an excellent role model, just give up whenever you have problems, great strategy, Ashley (*British accent* I AM NOT A QUITER! (Only one person will understand that)) I tried to publish this this morning but my school blocks Wattpad so I couldn't!  *eternal  crying* But now I'm  in US History and the wi-fi box is right above me *praises it*

Anyways, carry on Sredaer!

(~•.•)~ ~(•.•)~ ~(•.•~)

Chapter VIII 





Will woke up with his arms wrapped around Nico and his face buried in his raven-black hair. The son of Hades smelled like rose petals  and soap. He smiled and tightened his embrace.

"Nico, Neeks, wake up." He whispered into the younger boy's ear.

Nico didn't stir in the least. Will reluctantly pulled away from him and sat up on his elbow to look down at his face. Nico looked so peaceful when he slept, so much more care-free. Will brushed hair out of his face and kissed his forehead, "Neeks, wake up." He repeated.

Nico's eyes fluttered open slowly, "Will?"

Will laughed, "Yeah, that's me."

Nico groaned and turned over, "Can't you make it dark again or something?"

"Nope." Will said, nuzzling behind his ear, "That's my dad's job."

Nico turned and buried his face in Will's chest, "I don't want to get up."

Will wrapped his arms around him again, "You do the most adorable things without realizing it."

Nico pulled away and scowled at him, "I am not adorable, I am the night!"

A laugh rumbled in Will's chest. "Okay, Death Boy."

"Don't call me that."

"Can I still call you Neeks?"

He sighed, "I guess so. . ."

"Good!" Will sat up and jumped out of bed, then walked around the cabin and opened every set of curtains there was. More daylight filtered in then there probably ever had been in Hades cabin.

Nico responded to this by making a hissing noise and burrowing deep beneath the thick black covers.

Will climbed back up the ladder and looked down on the large lump that was his boyfriend.

"Neeks. . . Nuckie Duckie, Ghost Boy, Poochkins--"

Nico erupted from underneath the blanket, "You did not just call me Poochkins."

Will raised his palms, "It worked didn't it?"

Nico flopped back onto the pillow, crossing his arms. "Nope."

"What do I have to do to get you out of bed?" Will asked, resting his chin on the side of the bunk.

Nico pulled the comforter over his face, "Kill me and drag my cold, dead corpse out of the cabin."

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