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"the person who made me suffer like this WILL DIE...! WILL DIE IN MY HAND... IF NOT I WILL DIE IN HIS HAND...!" 


my eyes widen when I heard Kanani's words... even though they were too low to hear I was able to hear them... her body was shaking wildly as tears slowly fell from her covered eyes... "Kanani don't take them seriously" king said trying to calm kanani down... 

Kanani's didn't speak a word as suddenly she wiped her tears fastly and said "yes, king you are right cause I know nothing till now and living a fake life is best and worst than truth right...?!" she said as our eyes widen... she then slowly began to fade making us shock... "KANANI...!" i shouted as i ran and hugged her making her jump in shock... "m-meli... odas...!" she said in a shocked tone as i asked, "kanani don't leave me...!"

i whispered to her as her eyes widen with a heavy blush on her face... but she hugged back as she said "i am not going away... i am just going to take some rest i will join you in boar hut... OK?!" she said as i felt a soft kiss place on my..... l-lip as kanani fully disappeared... my eyes widen with a small smile as I traced my lips...


when i reaching my home by teleportation my face was fully red as i jumped into the bed and hid into the pillow as i thought about the kiss... "what the hell was i thinking when i kissed him...?!" i asked myself as i rolled here and there in the bed... as suddenly I felt a demonic presence in my room making me surprise... 

i sat up and got my wipe in my hand as I stood in fighting stanza... but the demon just raised his hand signaling he us unarmed... i didn't let my guards down as I asked "who are you and why are you here...!" this question I noticed some kind of hurt look on his face as he said "i am zeldris and i am the commandment of piety, i am the third son of the demon king"



"my head aagr...!" i shouted as i fell on my knees... as some images of glitch appeared

"Ebis... don't kill yourself for this... kill him cause he betrayed you...!"

"Ebis you are my friend and i will be loyal and won't leave you like my brother...!"

"Ebis don't you will be caged... for even malenias...!"




"agr...?!" *pant*

"zel...?! what are you...?" i said as zeldris ran to me to help... but i raised my wipe turning it into a sword as i tried keeping him away but i couldn't hold myself i fell on my keens as my sword slipped from my hand... zeldris took this chance and caught me before i fell on the floor... 

my eyes widen... when he didn't do anything... for a second my face turned red in embracement as i noticed me sitting on his lap... but my body hurts... i was panting heavily with no sense as i noticed a concerned look on zeldris face "zel...!" 

i said weakly making him shock as he asked "ebis you remember me...?!" i shook my head as i said, "no i don't... but i recognize you zel..." he gave me a sweet smile which i find so cute as he kissed my forehead making me blush mess... but SUDDENLY...


"meliodas...?!" I asked in shock noticing him being angry... he walked toward zel with his swords on as he said, "don't dare to touch her...!"  I'm noticed him coming to attack zeldris 'no i won't allow him...!' i thought as i went in front of zeldris by protecting him as i said "meliodas please wait... we were only talking...!" i said as meliodas hesitated a bit but suddenly my body totally gave up making me fall backward i noticed meliodas running towards but felt zeldris hand around my body as he held me...!


when Kanani fell back zeldris caught her making me sign in relief... as i gave a deadly glare to him... "you came here first, leaving everyone behind didn't you...?!" zeldris asked making me growl as he smirked and said "it won't take long her memorize are coming out so fast...!" he said as i stood in shock 'this is bad...!' i though as he said, "yes it is but only bad for you meliodas!" 

he said as i looked directly into my eyes... he walked towards the bed and placed her as he traced her face and said "i am leaving her so she can end you when she remembers you, traitor...!" with that he went out of the boar hut leaving me and Kanani alone... i went near to Kanani who seemed to be a panting mess and sweating from the side effects of trying to remember the past... this face... it remembers me that night... the night where i made her scream...

i chuckled but felt bad as i sat near her and said 

"i am sorry for leaving you like that... EBIS...!"

sorry i know it is short but i have heavy work to do here and i apologise for that anyways 


IT ISN'T A SIN IT'S A MATE MARK (Meliodas X OC)Where stories live. Discover now