Chapter 3 - Fall Out

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So far training has been going much better than I'd initially anticipated. I'd proposed the Marleyan Government with a total of twelve inventions I'd hoped to take to Paradis. They accepted a total of two inventions, which is more than I'd been expecting. I didn't think they'd spare another glance at something an Eldian had laid their hands on. I suppose they're really going all out for this Founding Titan.

Since Paradis has been isolated from the entire world for over a hundred years, we'd assumed they'd be severely lacking in technology. It's also why the Marleyan Government had hesitated to allow me to bring too many of my inventions to Paradis, inventions that could cause trouble if an Island Devil were to ever come in possession of it.

The first invention they'd allowed me to take was what I liked to call, the 'Anti-Titan Rifle'. A pretty simple but memorable name. I made this rifle specially to kill and dispatch titans quickly without needing much effort. Even the most unskilled of users would be able to take down a titan easily using this Rifle. When a bullet from this rifle is shot at a solid object, it will immediately expand, causing a small-scale explosion to occur. An explosion that could easily take out the nape of a pure titan. Sort of like a grenade, but disguised as a regular bullet.

The second invention they'd allowed me to bring to Paradis was what I called, the 'Compact Radio'. I used my knowledge of regular radios and communication devices and figured out a way to build a special device, capable of communication, that could also fit in the palm of your hand. It would come in handy whenever one of the Warriors wanted to contact the other without physically meeting.

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-3rd Person-

The salty smell of the sea invaded Cisco's nostrils as they leaned against the large ships railing. The smell was comforting, it offered Cisco a momentary distraction from their mission. It helped that Cisco Marcel beside them to admire the crystalline sea as-well.

"Cisco?" Marcel asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence . He did not avert his eyes from the waters in front of them as he spoke. Instead opting to watch the waves clash against each other repeatedly.

"Hm?" Cisco was momentarily drawn out of their daydreaming by the sound of the Galliards voice. "What is it Marcel?" They stared fondly at the young Warrior beside them, their eyebrows slightly furrowed in curiosity.

"When we get to that Island.. you'll lead us right?" Marcel asked hopefully, he slowly shifted his chocolate brown eyes to look at the person leaning against the ship railing beside him.

The Warriors had already been briefed on Cisco's role numerous times. They already knew that Cisco would be leading them throughout this mission. However, Cisco suspected that their was a deeper meaning to his question.

Marcel was asking if Cisco would really be a leader. A leader who cares. A leader who listens. A leader who would be able to control their team. Cisco had always thought of Marcel as a younger brother. Perhaps that is why they respected Marcel the most out of all the other Warriors, or maybe it was his ability to keep a level head, either way the two often shared a sibling dynamic, despite not being related.

After a few more minutes of silence, the only sound being the seagulls squawking and the waves swishing, Cisco finally replied. "Yes, I'll lead you all."

That was all the conformation Marcel needed. He released a silent sigh of relief before turning on his heel once again. "Thanks Cisco. Magath says rest up. We'll be docking in an hour." Marcel quickly disappeared under-deck, presumably to catch as much sleep as possible before they'd arrive on Paradis.

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