Chapter 4 - Leader

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It was safe to say that space was very limited. Thousands of refugees from Wall Maria were in packed together like sardines. Some were arguing over rations, some were tending to wounds, and some were mourning over loved ones.

The Warriors had managed to secure a small space in the refugee camp. It wasn't much, but it was better than being left to sleep on the streets.

Marcel, Bertholdt, Annie and Reiner sat huddled up together, silently reflecting on what they had done. The sat for several minutes before they were briefly interrupted.

Cisco walked towards the Warriors, hands filled with five loaves of stale bread.

"I buried the bag." Cisco spoke to the four warriors, interrupting their silence. Each of them averted their eyes towards Cisco, who was standing over them with a bored look on their face.

Cisco offered each of them their own loaf of bread before finally sitting down next to Marcel.

"What bag?" Bertholdt asked absentmindedly, seemingly forgetting about the technology Cisco had brought to Paradis.

Cisco sighed. Has he seriously forgotten already? "The bag. It has the Radios and Anti-Titan Rifles in it. Have you seriously already forgotten?" Bertholdt nervously scratched his nape in embarrassment.

"If any of you need anything from the bag, you can find it exactly here." Cisco pulled out a map. It's corners were yellowing and crinkled. They pointed to a set of coordinates within Wall Rose.

All of the Warriors nodded in understanding.


Ploughing through felids all day is hard work.  After a day of hard work comes much needed rest for the majority of the refugees. The Warriors however, do not have that luxury.

They're almost too tired to discuss anything. Not even Cisco can bear the gruelling hours of hard work. Ploughing and ploughing through fields all day, surrounded by sweating Refugees.

So when it's finally time to discuss the next step, all of the Warriors look like they're about to collapse from exhaustion.

"Two months and we got nothing." Annie declares around the makeshift fire place that Bertholdt and Marcel had prepared.

The warriors sat in a circle, hunched over a moderately sized flame, basking in as much heat as possible in the dead of night.

"No sign of the Founding Titan at all. Think it's really on Paradis?" Marcel declares his question to all the Warriors. None of them look at him, all seemingly in thought.

"I hate to say it but, seems like we may be wasting our time here..." Bertholdt adds nervously, fiddling with his hands.

A few minutes of silence fall over the fireplace. Only the distant sound of crickets being heard.

"It doesn't matter." Cisco says very suddenly and harshly. The weeks of strenuous farm work had taken a toll on their mental state, and their patience.

The younger Warriors all tilted their heads towards Cisco at the sudden declaration from their usually level-headed leader.

"You think Marley's going to believe us if we say the Founder isn't on Paradis? At the end of the day, we are Elidans." Cisco says bitterly, refusing to make eye contact with any of the Warriors, instead intently staring at the makeshift campfire.

"What are you saying-" Marcel begins before he gets cut off by Cisco once more.

"I'm saying we need results. We can't afford to be pissing around, growing  fucking potatoes while the Founding Titan is still out there. I've made a decision," Cisco averts their gaze to stare at each of the Warriors.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐃 [] AOT x WARRIOR OCWhere stories live. Discover now