Chapter 5 - Suspicion

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Cisco's POV

I just can't catch a break, can I? This good for nothing asshat, who calls them self a 'Commander' has been shouting at every single recruit in this goddamn hellhole for half an hour already.

Maybe they're shaking us up early on. Weeding out the weak recruits from the strong? Picking out the straggles from those who really are committed to becoming 'soldiers'.

I suppose it's not that different from when Commander Magath would lead us in Marley. This only difference is this time, was that we won't get injected with a serum and forced to roam an isolated island as a humanoid man-eating monster for the foreseeable future if we made a mistake. Whippy.

"WHO ARE YOU?" The 'Commander', a middle aged woman by the name of Alma Grey shouted at the short girl directly opposite to me. She shook like a leaf at the sight of the (much taller) commander before her.

Either Commander Alma's breath was really kicking, or she just radiated that sort of authoritative nature. The sort of nature that forced people to comply. Considering how every single recruit Commander Alma approached froze under her menacing glare.

It scares me how much Commander Alma reminds me of Magath.

"P-Petra Ral, Ma'am!" The red-head replied. I could already see sweat forming on her brow. Seriously, is Alma really that terrifying?

Commander Alma proceeded to intimidate the poor girl for a few more minutes before finally moving on. It was probably for the best, considering how physically painful it was to watch Alma assault poor Petra with a series of colourful curses and insults.

Eventually, Commander Alma made her way down the line towards me.

"WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" She shouted menacingly towards me, our faces just barley two inches apart. I'd probably be startled, if I hadn't just listened to her screaming at recruits for the past half hour.

"Cisco Visache, Ma'am!" I replied respectfully, honing the signature salut, hand over heart and everything. Wow, her breath really is kicking.


To ruin Marley. "To aid humanity, Ma'am!"


Let's see who's the pipsqueak when I blast your ass with a 15-meter monster. "Yes, Ma'am!"


I'd swallow your words. "I'll make it, Ma'am!"

"AMBITIOUS, AREN'T YA'? ABOUT FACE, VISACHE!" Alma instructed, seemingly done with her outrageous line of questioning, probably gone to scream at some other poor soul.


"What do you mean, two kids just waltzed in here and demanded you that bury these reports?" Hange questioned the tired-looking Garisson Soldier sitting across from them. They were seemingly unfazed by the mans obvious discomfort.

After discovering that someone had been burying reports, Commander Erwin had decided to send Section Commander Hange, Moblit and Section Commander Miche to the Garrison HQ, in order to find out exactly what was going on.

"Look, I don't know anything else!" The young man, Elios Dreich, explained to Hange. "All I know, is I was here, categorising reports one second, and the next I was being threatened by some blonde bitch and her black-haired friend!"

"Elaborate." Miche chimed in, unsatisfied by the mans very vague 'explanation'.

"T-they knew where my family lived, okay? I don't know how! The blonde one said that she'd kill my wife and daughter if I told anyone else about these reports, I swear! She had a weird looking gun and everything! They said if I told anyone about any of these statements, or that they were ever here, that they'd kill me and my family!" Elios explained quickly, his words sounded like a jumbled up mess, but Miche still had no problem understanding the mans garbled up speech.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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