Chapter 1 - It All Begins Here

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"Cisco, Cisco!" A voice called out from behind me as I was steadily making my way towards the infamous Warrior Unit. The Warrior Unit, or 'hell on earth' as I'd like to refer to it, is a place located inside of the Interment Zone, used to 'train' each new batch of Eldian recruits who hope to inherit one of the ten titan powers some day.

I just so happened to be one of those budding recruits.

The sun was beaming and I was sweating like crazy. My tote bag was clutched firmly by my side. My short black hair was neatly brushed as resided just underneath my chin as usual.

My icy blue eyes remained stiff as always. I wore a basic warrior uniform, making sure my yellow arm band was visible in order to avoid trouble with any Marleyan officers that could be watching.

They're always watching. Waiting for the very moment and Eldian screws up so they can unleash all their anger out on a poor soul that was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time. At least, that's what I know from experience.

My whole wardrobe was pretty basic. Warrior uniform on training days, white polo shirt and brown pants on days off.

That's the trick, you see. Always make yourself look as invisible as possible, then strike em' where it hurts.

I cocked my head slightly to examine the source of the noise calling my name. Low and behold, the noise came from my 'friend', Laura Tybur. She jogged slightly to catch up with me.

I stopped a few yards ahead of her. How could I describe Laura?

Laura was a relatively short girl who almost always wore a neat black bun and fancy attire. She was a particularly bubbly girl, with an explosive personality.

Some love her, some loathe her, (though they'd never say it to her face of course). Personally, I just want to kill the bitch.

I sighed as she quickened her running pace until she finally caught up to me. Some would call us the best of 'friends.' Yeah! Cisco and Laura! 'Best buds for life!' Don't make me throw up.

The truth is, I'm only really friends with her to get into her families' good books. Laura's family, the Tybur's, are the most respected Eldian family in Marley after all, I wouldn't mind having them close to me, should I ever need it of course.

Yes, it sounds manipulative, and it probably is. Call me the most manipulative bastard in the whole wide world. But why should I care? It's not like I really like Laura.

If she wasn't a Tybur I'd probably never spare the girl another glance in my life. She's an Eldian just like us after all, and yet has never experienced a day of anguish or suffering in all her life. It's funny to think about, really.

How could someone be so respected, yet so clueless at the same time? What has this person even done to earn their 'respect'? Except been born into a family of nobility of course.

The thought keeps me up at night.

I mentally groan as Laura approaches me. 'What the hell does she want?' I think to myself. I seem to be think that a lot lately. 'What the hell do they want? Why are they talking to me? Did they seriously just say that?'  Those kind of thoughts.

They always seem to pet-rude my mind more and more lately these days. I'm supposed to feel bad for thinking those types of things. I'm supposed to feel bad for not caring about others. I'm supposed to feel bad for manipulating people, manipulating Laura. But I don't. Is something wrong with me? No, it's not me, it's everyone else that's wrong. Yeah, everyone else. It's always everyone.

Despite the thoughts in my mind telling me to ignore her, to leave her alone, to tell her what I really think about her and her prestige lifestyle, I know I can't. For the sake of my plan.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐃 [] AOT x WARRIOR OCWhere stories live. Discover now