chapter one

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I saw people around me dancing, jumping, screaming words that I couldn't understand. I made my way through the crowd and heavily sat down on the barstool.

"What can I get for you?" I've jumped a little and looked at the barman still scared. I took one more deep breath and smiled brightly.

"Water please," I said and he just nodded and gave me what I asked for.

"Is everything alright?" he asked and I smiled shyly at him.

"Yes, thanks, I've just lost my friend and got a little scared" he nodded and looked at the person who came to the bar.

"Gin with the tonic" I heard a deep voice but I haven't looked up. At this moment water was definitely more interesting. The barman put the order next to me and moved away to help his co-worker. I still haven't looked up. I knew that he was next to me. I saw a hand reaching for the glass, he had a few rings, they look nice, I thought. Then I've gained the courage to look at him. He was definitely a very attractive man. What can I say? He was tall and had shoulder-length dark hair, nice jawbone. Then I've noticed a tattoo, nice.

"Like what you see?" he asked not even looking at me. I blushed hard and choked on my water. He laughed a little.

"It's not that I've been staring for so long" I've muttered and he looked at me surprised. I haven't broken our eye contact. He had really nice hair. I think that he was about to say something, but then I heard a loud voice.

"Coraline!" I cringed at his voice. He knew that I didn't like my name. My friends always call me just Cor, or Line, but never my full name. Of course, he has to be so original. "What are you doing?" he asked me, his voice raised. I could hear the anger in his voice. Who would I be if I haven't decided to make him even angrier? I rolled my eyes.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I've heard a quiet snort next to me and Alec's eyes light up.

"You don't talk to me like that" he came closer to me and took my wrist.

"Or what" I've spat and came a step closer. I was almost his height, I've looked him deep in the eyes. Then he had kissed me. I took a step away immediately and looked at him angrily. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm just kissing my girlfriend, but you've been clearly distracted with some girl next to you" I took my wrist from his hand. I've looked at the man next to me, he looked angered.

"No, I'm your girlfriend but it doesn't mean, that you can kiss me anytime you want" I half-screamed and hit him on his chest. "It doesn't work like that and you know that if not your father" I wasn't able to end my tirade because his hand reached for my face and his whole body moved me to the bar. My back hit the top, I cringed, because he was doing a scene again. I wanted to say something but, my mouth was covered by his hand.

"You'll listen to me, you have all of this only because of me and you won't behave that way," Alec said looking me deep in the eyes. His hand was clenching harder on my face. I've scowled a little and that was the moment when someone took Alec away from me.

"Here in Italy, we don't treat woman that way" I've heard his voice and damn, it was really nice. I looked at him, he was looking really intimidating, so Alec has just murmured "Whatever" and went away. I sighed a little. "Are you okay?" I've just nodded and took a sip of my water. "Coraline right?" he asked and I cringed.

"I like Line better" he nodded and looked at my face. I've turned my face away because it was probably red. "And you?" I looked at him again.

"Damiano" he smiled a little.

"Well Damiano," I said "thank you for your help, although I would have handled him" he laughed a little and looked at me.

"Glad that I could help" there was a moment of silence when I was shamelessly watching him and he was doing the same. "So, I've never seen you before? Are you from here?" he asked.

"No, not at all" I laughed "I'm from England, I'm here to play at Milano Music Festival" I squealed excitedly. He raised an eyebrow and whistled. 'What?" I've asked and laughed again.

"Nothing, me and my band are playing there too" I looked at him shocked.

"No way!" I've screamed and turned peoples attention to us. He laughed at me. I looked at him closer. "Wait" I started to think really hard. Then it hit me. "You're from Maneskin!" I jumped and looked at him again.

"Correct," he said with a grin. I wanted to say something else, but we've heard another voice.

"Cor!" I jumped and turned around to see my best friend Ella. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" she screamed at me and hugged me tightly.

"Well, I'm here," I said as I've returned the hug. I saw Damiano smiling at us. Finally, Ella left me and looked at him.

"No way!" she screamed and started to look around "is Vic here?" she asked excited and Damiano laughed.

"No, she left some time ago" she made a sad face.

"Ok, sad, I still have hope" she smiled again. "Cor, we have to go! You'll be dead tomorrow" she took my hand and went straight to the exit. I laughed and waved to the man and he smiled and me. Then we've left.

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~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now