chapter two

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That was the moment, I can be chosen to represent England at Eurovision Song Contest 2021. I still don't know how it happened. After Milan's Music Festival everything blew up and I became really popular in Europe with my rock music. I'm so glad, that I could live doing what I love the most – singing, playing my guitar, helping people.

"And here, I've got an envelope. Inside is the name of an artist that will represent England on this year's Eurovision Song Contest" I took a deep breath and felt someone looking at me. Alec. He smiled at me and I've returned the smile. I knew what that meant. I have to smile, it's good for the press. So I've smiled and looked at the man in a suit who had just started opening the envelope. I took a deep breath. "Coraline"

That information has hit me very hard. I've opened my eyes, got up and went on the scene. I took a statuette in my hand and came to the microphone. "Rock 'n Roll never dies!" I screamed and everyone started screaming with me. I felt tears in my eyes. I made it. I am going to Eurovision.


"Cor!" I've heard a scream and looked at Ella with a wide grin. "You made it! You fucking idiot! I told you that you'll do great!" she jumped at me and we've hugged each other tightly.

"I know," I said "I still can't believe it!" I screamed and tears fell down my eyes.

"Don't cry you stupid bitch!" she scolded me and I laughed loudly wiping my tears away. "We're going to Rotterdam!" she screamed again and jumped with excitement.

"Who said that you're going?" we heard a low voice and turned around.

"You piece of" she started, but I cut her off.

"She's my best friend. I say, that she is going, or you and your father won't have a singer" I said straight to his face. Elle started laughing.

"Oh my god, I love you," she said and showed her middle finger to Alec.

"Coraline, listen to me," he said

"Don't Coraline me" I told him calmly, it's my decision and you have nothing to say about it.

"Maybe he doesn't have, but I do" I've heard a deep voice and turned around scared

"Luke," I said a little more confident. He can't hurt me. Not before the contest.

"Coraline" I growled "Ella can go, but you won't do anything stupid, do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes," I said fast and he just nodded

"You can go and prepare. We're going tomorrow" I said nothing and El just took me by my hand and we went straight to our room.


"Oh how I hate this man!" she said and I quietly agreed with her.

"We can't do anything," I said calmly.

"No, you could just leave them and find yourself a new manager and live your best life with Italian hottie, but instead you chose that stupid piece of meat because you think that you owe them something!" she screamed and I've huddled up a bit. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Cor," she said quickly and came over to hug me. "I just don't understand why won't you dump their asses," she said and I laughed a little.

"You know why" I answered her question, smile gone. She stopped smiling and tears showed up in her eyes.

"I know" she hugged me "but now, we have to prepare for Rotterdam and some hot stuff!" she screamed happily and I've scowled.

"Don't even remind me. I don't know what will I do if I meet him. This will be so awkward" I hid my face in my hands.

"Don't think about it" she said "everything that needs to happen will happen, there is nothing that you can do about it"

"When did you become so smart?" I asked her with laughter and she jumped at me.

"But Coraline," she said seriously "you know, that it ends on the day of finals?"

"Let's not talk about it ok? I answered

"We'll have to talk about it eventually," she said looking at me.

"I know, but not yet"


Sleepless night came and went and I was ready to start another day. I put on my leather trousers and a big blouse from Milano Music Festival. I've brushed my long red hair and took the suitcase that I've packed yesterday.

"Are you excited?! I'm excited!" I've heard Ella who was singing to me while we were waiting to get our coffees at the airport.

"You should stick to the drums," I said and she hit me.

"Why are you so mean before your coffee?" she scowled and made a sad face.

"She's always mean" we heard

"Good morning to you too Alec" I grumbled and went for our coffee.

"Act nice to me Coraline," he said with a smile "after all I'm still your boyfriend" he laughed and I've gritted my teeth.

"Not much longer!" spatted Ella and she went to our airplane. I and Alec stayed behind and walked slowly.

"I know, that this Italian man is going to be there," he said

"No need to remind me" I replied blankly

"You better watch out, our contract is still valid and you know what could happen" I shivered and he saw it "don't worry babe, I lobe you, remember, everything will be alright" he put his hand around my shoulders and we went out of the airport. I stopped to take some pictures with my fans and then I got on the airplane. Rotterdam watch out, I'm coming.

~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now