chapter four

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I felt like I didn't have a choice like I was trapped under the water and couldn't get out even though I could see the surface. I took a deep breath of the night air and looked up. The moon was shining brightly, stars surrounding him. He was the only stable thing in my life, I guess. No matter what has happened during my day moon was always by my side at night when I couldn't sleep.

It was a funny thing. Even though I haven't seen him in a few months I still couldn't bring myself to sleep calmly. The nightmares were with me every night, sometimes they appeared during my day. I felt so helpless. There was nothing I could do to stop it. Well. There was one thing. Something I thought about almost every day and every night. It was a small thought in my brain, not very important, but it made me anxious all the time. When I was crying it was the only thing calming me down, when I was feeling happy it was ruining my mood. It was toxic and I knew it. Damn, he knew it. I told him everything, but he just laughed at me and said that I'll write better songs.

The wind blew my hair into my face and I smiled. I enjoyed the silence. It was different, calm, I felt safe. Tears formed in my eyes as I watched the moon. I came closer to the edge of the hotel's roof. City lights were shining brightly, creating something beautiful, something unique. I took another deep breath. What is the worst thing that can happen?

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard from behind me and turned around immediately. He was standing there. In black trousers and a black shirt. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Nothing" I shrugged and looked down again. I quickly wiped the tears out of my face. He came closer to me and took my wrist. I looked at him with glossy eyes. The moon was shining, wind flew past us leaving us alone.

"You wanted to jump, didn't you?" he asked quietly. I looked away and focused on the moon. "Why?" I shrugged.

"Don't know" we stood there in silence, he was still holding my wrist. "I thought that it could be easier" he looked at me with sadness and shock in his eyes.

"It's cowardice" I nodded, I knew. It's not like I wasn't thinking about it.

"It's also easy, quick and"

"There's no and" he stopped me from talking. "You can't just give up" he squeezed my hand.

"But I have nothing else to fight for," I said quietly.

"Then you have to make something worth fighting for" I never told him how much those words meant to me. That they saved me. That he saved me. That if he hadn't shown up on that roof, I would have jumped. The last thing. I guess that he knew. We stayed there till sunrise. It was like he was making sure that I'll be safe.


"What were you doing with him on that roof!" Luke was screaming at me for almost three hours now. Alec was standing next to his father, I couldn't read what was he thinking about.

"Nothing" I answered blankly "We were just talking"

"Talking!?" he shouted again "That's why you had tears in your eyes!? That's why you were standing so close to the edge!? Was he trying to push you down?" I made big eyes.

"What the fuck Luke!" I've lost it. "He didn't try to push me!" I couldn't believe that it was really happening.

"Then what was that!" Alec yelled joining his father.

"I wanted to jump!" silence filled the room. Alec looked at me with wide eyes and Luke's face became red.

"You little piece of shit!" he shouted and his hand met my cheek "Are you trying to ruin us!?" he slapped me again "Aren't you grateful!?" he was still screaming and his hand landed on the table in front of me.

"It's not you, it's me," I said with tears in my eyes.

"We're not staying here much longer," he said looking furious. "That Italian boy has messed up with your head!" I cringed and tears felt down my cheeks.

"No, no, no!" I screamed and Luke looked at me curiously. "It wasn't his fault"

"Why do you defend him so much?" he asked still looking pissed.

"Because she loves him" it was Alec's voice. I looked at him. I felt horrible

"I see" Luke was thinking about something.

"Luke, listen to me, I'll do anything, but don't drag him into it" I begged and he looked at me.

"Okay," he said and I sighed in relief. "But we're going now" I nodded quickly "You'll sign up the contract for the next five years" I sighed but I knew what I had to do.


~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now