chapter five

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"Coraline!" I heard Ethan's voice. I opened my eyes and saw him and Vic coming closer to me, leaning against a small coffee shop's wall.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Victoria asked me and I've closed my eyes again.

"I couldn't sleep," I said and she nodded.

"That doesn't explain why are you here, alone at five in the morning" I heard another voice and opened my eyes. Damiano was standing there and Thomas was coming out of the shop on the other side of the road. He waved at me and I did the same. "We're still waiting" he rushed me and I huffed.

"I wanted some coffee okay? And the hotel bar was still closed, so I came here" I said a little angry "And you know what? It seems that this café is closed too!" I threw my hands in the air and closed my eyes again. Victoria laughed at my devastated expression.

"As dramatic as always I see," said Thomas and I waved him off. "Do you want us to wait with you, or?" I could hear that he wasn't sure about this proposition. I looked at Damiano, who was still looking at me. I made a funny face and he laughed a little. I smiled wildly at his expression, but after seeing Vic's face I stopped at once.

"I guess that you can stay with me?" I said not sure and the girl jumped happily and hugged me.

"Yay! I'm so happy, we haven't talked in so long after you left that day" she started but was cut off by Damiano.

"I'm sure that she remembers" I looked at him confused. He was nice a minute ago. What happened?

"Babe!" I cringed and turned slowly. Alec was slowly approaching us. "We were looking for you! You've scared everybody!" he came closer and sent a death glare to Damiano.

"Oh," I said genuinely shocked "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to have some coffee." I said resigned, I really wasn't in the mood to fight, I wanted my coffee. That was it.

"You should have said something!" he was still angry and I closed my eyes again.

"She's not your possession" I heard Damiano's voice and I quickly opened my eyes.

"Thanks, that's enough," I said a little bit nervous, I didn't want Alec to fight with Italian. "You're right Alec, I shouldn't have gone out without telling anyone, my bad" he smiled proudly and looked at the shocked band. What? Can't I agree with someone for once?

"Yes, as you know I'm almost always right babe" I rolled my eyes at him just nodded slightly. "We should go back, everyone is waiting for us, you have your first rehearsal in forty minutes"

"Yup, I'll just grab my coffee and" he stopped me from talking.

"No, absolutely no, we don't have time for that, besides you should better not drink as much coffee, it's not healthy, you'll get tired more and won't be able to perform" I looked at him with a shocked expression. He took my wrist and started to walk away.

~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now