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Hi guys! Unfortunately, this doesn't have anything to do with Damiano, but I wrote this piece and I'd like your opinion. Should I make it a new book?

xx jemiola

The most vivid memories that I have about Academia are my two best friends and Caz. I remember almost every one of our fights. Luna used to say that we just can't be too far away from each other. I was always so frustrated when she mentioned "the greatest love story". I didn't want it. I saw my parents living happily ever after and then dying in each other arms. That was the day when I decide that I'll never fall in love.

I sighed heavily and sat up on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the clock. It showed five am. I scowled and got up.

"God, I hate waking up so early." I heard a voice coming from the pile of blankets lying on the second bed. "Do I really have to get up?" Luna asked and I just laughed a little.

"Yup," I came closer and took a pillow from underneath her head. "Get up, we'll miss our training." She groaned loudly and fell down on the floor. "Oh, stop being so dramatic or I'll call Adam."

"What?!" she jumped rapidly and started getting dressed. "I'm ready! Can't you see?" she said and I laughed at her again.

"I love you," I said still laughing and she just smiled wildly.

"Who wouldn't?" she was definitely proud of herself.

"You want me to count?" I asked and she looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

"You know what?"


"I hate you." I just laughed and walked out of our room. "No, Amadea! Wait for me!"


"Listen to me!" I heard our coach screams once I've entered the gym. "It's your last year here in our academia, so I expect the best from every single one of you!" I closed my eyes and put my head on Adam's shoulder.

"Where is Luna?" he asked me quietly and I opened my eyes immediately.

"Oh, I don't know." I smiled "And why do you even care? It's not like you're dating or..." I watched the brunette becoming redder and redder.

"Okay, okay, I understand." He put his arms in the air and I laughed at his cuteness.

"You're so in love with her!" I started mocking him and he hit me on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" I quietly screamed at him. "You are stupid or what?!" I looked at him and then we started laughing.

"Adam, I see you want to start fighting so bad, why won't you be our volunteer?" We heard the coach's voice and Adam just looked at me with anger in his eyes. I started laughing. "Amadea you want to be next?" the coach asked and I've stopped.

"I'm here!" I've heard Luna's voice and everyone's attention was on her.

"Luna, late as always." The coach wasn't happy. "So you'll be first with Adam, come one guys! Pair up! We are practising kicks! Don't hurt each other!" I groaned and stretched my arms. I saw people paring up and heard that one voice.

"Really Adam?!" I've turned around to look at two guys interacting. "Who am I suppose to train with now?" he threw his hands in the air and shook his head with disapproval.

"Am still doesn't have anyone to fight with!" I heard my best friends excited voice and I've covered my face with my hands. God, please, save me.

"Yeah, she looks very happy about it." I heard him laughing and at the last moment, I dived down, missing his fist.

"You piece of shit!" I screamed at him standing in the right position. "I wasn't ready!" I shook off a weird feeling and focused on all of his features.

"Amadea on the mission no one will care!" I heard the coach's voice and saw Caz laughing. I sighed and delivered the first strike.

"Woah, not so carelessly." I furrowed my brows at his comment and the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor.

"Ouch," I looked at him offended. "Was it necessary?" he shook his head and gave me a hand, but I stood up on my own. He laughed at me. "Oh, come on!" I said, "Yesterday you were at my place!".

"And I wasn't complaining," he answered and seconds later I was on the floor again. I've heard laughing from other side of the room and saw Adam and Luna having fun while training.

"Why can't we have some more fun?" I groaned and stood up again. Caz was eyeing me, looking for my mistakes. Damn, he was good. "What now?!" I knew that he saw something. After all, I spend almost every day in his presence.

"Nothing" he shrugged, I breathed a sigh. "Oh, wait" I looked at him. "Here it is." I didn't even have time to blink when he took my arm, spun me around and I was on the floor again, this time with him on my back.

"I hate you." I groaned and put my head on the floor. He just laughed at me.

"Caz! Get off her! I don't have time for this right now!" I heard the coach's voice and Adam's laugh.

"Caz! Get off her! It's not a good place!" he was teasing his best friend. I think that black-haired has shown him the middle finger and got off me. I stood up and was about to kick him again when I heard a big explosion and the coach's screams.

"Amelie! I told you! This is fighting! You're not using your powers here!"

As I said, it's just an idea, not perfect yet.


~MOON~ Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now